Get Census Household Pulse Survey (HHPS) data
Data is downloaded from Census Pulse Survey website.
shows how to download multiple weeks across multiple years at once. pulse_supplement.R
takes advantage of the repetitive .zip naming convention to automate data download.
provides crosswalk that can be used to establish week number.
This project was initially written in response to various requests related to HHPS. These are good reference for how to read and append multiple .csv files at a time:
recreates HHPS Employment Tables Table 3 for week 41.code/rsnnowrkrv.R
relates to Elise's WWJD: Omicron will weight heavily on the labor marketcode/rsnnowrkrv_care.R
relates to request from Marokey on the "discussion of who's leaving the labor force b/c of child care issues, specifically Black women." To my knowledge, these numbers were never published.