Releases: EUDAT-B2DROP/b2sharebridge
Version 4.2.2 for Nextcloud 28/29/30
What's Changed
- Add support for nextcloud 30
- Update dependencies
Full Changelog: v29.4.2.1...v30.4.2.2
Version 4.2.1 for Nextcloud 28/29
Make sure your database is running on utf8mb4 (with the appropriate collate) in order to see emojis in the community picker instead of question marks.
What's Changed
- Add support for nextcloud 29
- Update dependencies
Full Changelog: v28.4.2.0...v29.4.2.1
Version 4.2.0 for Nextcloud 28
Make sure your database is running on utf8mb4 (with the appropriate collate) in order to see emojis in the community picker instead of question marks.
What's Changed
- Add user notifications
- Fix bug, where the unauthorized message of B2SHARE is not properly catched
- Improve user failure texts and informations
Full Changelog: v28.4.1.1...v28.4.2.0
Version 4.1.1 for Nextcloud 28
make sure your database is running on utf8mb4 (with the appropriate collate) in order to see emojis in the community picker instead of question marks.
What's changed:
- Fixed a bug where the buttons in the b2sharebridge app view were twice as height
- Fixed a bug where actions returned success or failed instead of nothing
- Updated packages
Version 4.1.0 for Nextcloud 28
What's Changed
- Upgraded vue components and used nextcloud/vue
- Removed bootstrap with it's components fully
- Removed veevalidate
- Removed old css files
Version 4.0.0 for Nextcloud 28
What's Changed
- Use nextcloud/files API (actions) instead of sidebar
- Use nextcloud theme, enable dark mode, and make the bridge look nice
- Allow for other apps to influence theme e.g.
unrounded corners
- Closes issue where error message is poping up every time a user opens a b2share-bridge tab
- Major performance increases due to optimized script loading
- Updated deprecated API calls
- Removed useless API calls
- Update dependencies
Version 3.2.4 for Nextcloud 25/26/27
When upgrading to nextcloud25 or beyond the b2sharebridge_server-table needs to migrate. It adds a max_uploads, max_upload_file_size and check_ssl column.
Update your B2SHARE server configuration at the admin settings!
What's Changed
- updated packages and fixed security vulnerabilities
- updated npm and node support
- made package profile slimmer by removing not imported dependencies
Version 3.2.3 for Nextcloud 25/26/27
When upgrading to nextcloud25 or beyond the b2sharebridge_server-table needs to migrate. It adds a max_uploads, max_upload_file_size and check_ssl column.
Update your B2SHARE server configuration at the admin settings!
What's Changed
- support for nextcloud 27 🎉
Version 3.2.2 for Nextcloud 25/26
When upgrading to nextcloud25 the b2sharebridge_server-table needs to migrate. It adds a max_uploads, max_upload_file_size and check_ssl column.
Update your B2SHARE server configuration at the admin settings!
What's Changed
- security updates
Version 3.2.1 for Nextcloud 25/26
When upgrading to nextcloud25 the b2sharebridge_server-table needs to migrate. It adds a max_uploads, max_upload_file_size and check_ssl column.
Update your B2SHARE server configuration at the admin settings!
What's Changed
- update dependencies and fix a security vunlerability