A command-line tool for genomic-wide association studies (GWAS) data validation and analysis.
- Validate:
- Input: File path of GWAS Submission template that contains top associations
- Output: Validation report of top associations
Install from PyPI:
pip install gwas-assoc-tools
# Basic validation command
gwas-assoc validate <template excel file path>
# For help
gwas-assoc --help
gwas-assoc validate --help
# Install Poetry (if not already installed)
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
# Install dependencies
poetry install
# Activate virtual environment
poetry shell
# Build the package (creates .whl and .tar.gz in dist/)
poetry build
# Install your new package in development mode
poetry install
# Run the CLI command through Poetry
poetry run gwas-assoc validate ./tests/snp_validator.xlsx
# Or after activating the shell
poetry shell
gwas-assoc validate ./tests/snp_validator.xlsx
# Add a new dependency
poetry add new-package
# Add a development dependency
poetry add --group dev pytest-mock
# Check for dependency updates
poetry update --dry-run
# Update dependencies
poetry update
# Run formatting
poetry run black .
poetry run isort .
# Run linting
poetry run ruff check .
# Run type checking
poetry run mypy src
# Run all formatting checks
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files