Middleman : http://middlemanapp.com/
Start $ /var/www/MaiTai $ bundle exec middleman server
Variables http://localhost:4567/__middleman
Kill $ ps aux | grep middleman $ sudo kill -9
Template install $ middleman init -T tdreyno/my-middleman-starter ~/Sites/new-site
Firebase : https://www.firebase.com
BitBucket : http://bitbucket.com - Used for private source code
Repositories $ curl --user DryKISS:Password https://api.bitbucket.org/1.0/user/repositories
Create Repository $ curl -X POST -v -u DryKISS:Password -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/DryKISS/codeblender.net \ -d '{"scm": "git", "is_private": "true", "fork_policy": "no_public_forks" }'
Initialise $ git init
Add Origin $ git remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:TriangleSolutions/codeblender.net.git $ git push -u origin --all $ git push -u origin --tags
Add Remote $ git remote -v $ git remote add bitbucket git@bitbucket.org:DryKISS/codeblender.net.git
GitHub : http://github.com - Used for page hosting
Test DNS $ dig codeblender.net | grep -E '(||' || echo "OK"
Create Repository @todo - use API to create the repository - https://developer.github.com/v3/
Bundler : http://bundler.io/
This must be installed, it manages the projects required Gems. $ gem install bundler $ bundle install
Bower : http://bower.io/
This must be installed, it manages the projects front end dependencies. To install this Node must be installed : http://nodejs.org/ use the binary. $ npm install -g bower
Initially you will want to install the bower components $ bower install
Updating can be dangerous and it may update packages that could break features $ bower update $ bower prune
During the build cycle we run UnCSS to strip out unwanted CSS, this requires gulp and related packages to be installed.
Install Gulp globally $ npm install -g gulp
Run the local package.json file to get local node_modules $ npm install
Command that will be run $ gulp uncss
Thor : http://whatisthor.com/
Delete SVN directories $ find . -name .svn -exec echo {} ; $ find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} ;
Delete GIT directories $ find . -name .git -exec echo {} ; $ find . -name .git -exec rm -rf {} ;
Delete Windows Thumbs $ find . -name Thumbs.db -exec echo {} ; $ find . -name Thumbs.db -exec rm -rf {} ;
Google Icon $ find ~/Google\ Drive/ -name Icon? -exec rm -f {} ;