For this project, my idea was to explore some algorithms, such as genetic algorithms and Qubo, and technologies, like C++, to develop something I've always wanted to, all from scratch!
The urge to build a snake game AI came after I watched some YouTube videos, which inspired me to create something different and just for fun, some of them are listed bellow:
The Technologies used were:
- git
- SDL2
- C++
- make/cmake
- googletest (ctest)
- sh
- Github actions
- python 3.10 (used to test the QUBO model)
- pygame
- docker
- docker compose
In this version of snake game, I've implemented 3 game modes:
As the classic one, your can play and enjoy the game by yourself, without any machine inteligent agent.
to start playing and use the WASD
to move the snake around.
In the AI version, you have 2 screens to select either train the AI or let the AI play.
To train the AI PRESS A
and let her learn to play. If you want you can PRESS S
during the training to save the best individual weights, but after each generation a weights file is save with the best one. If you want to go back from the training module, you can also PRESS R
to return to the main Screen.
After acquaring the weights file (.wg
), you can put them into an AI agent to play. To do that, just PRESS S
at the main SCreen, and import your .wg
The last mode, is based on QUBO model. This one has a mathematical an expression with some binary variables, and the goal is to minimize it using different combinations for these binary variables.
In this expression,
Q[0][0] = distance if the player go foward (in the same direction he was)
Q[1][1] = distance if the player go down/right
Q[2][2] = distance if the player go up/left
anything else are just zeros
To play this one, PRESS Q
at the start Screen.
All the following usage ways are focused on Ubuntu
based distros, so some steps may differ for different OS. Remember to check the tools documentation for your system.
The simplest way to run it, is by using Docker.
First pull the image:
docker pull dpbm32/snake-ai
# or using the GHRC version
docker pull
Then you must grant access to your XDisplay
xhost +local:root
# remeber revoking access after using it
xhost -local:root
Also, setup a docker volume for the neural network weights output.
docker volume create weights-out
Finally run the image:
docker run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:ro \
-v /path/to/your/weights/input/folder/optional/:/snake/weights_input/ \
--mount source=weights-out,target=/snake/weights_output/ \
-e WPATH=/snake/weights_output/ \
Another way to do that is build the image by yourself. To do that run:
docker build -t snake-ai .
Then follow the steps after the docker pull
from the #docker section.
Finally, There's a compose file in the project directory that you can use to orchestrate the image requirements.
After creating a volume and giving the XDisplay
permissions, run:
docker compose up
To build the and run the project, you must the following tools and libraries installed:
Then, clone the project and run the compilation script
git clone
cd ./snake-ai
chmod +x ./ ./
./ && ./ main.cpp
Finally, run the game:
LC_NUMERIC="C" ./build/snake
# or, if you want to set a different path to the output weights
LC_NUMERIC="C" WPATH="/path/to/save/the/weights/" ./build/snake
In case you want to run the tests by your own, do the following:
cd build
Finally, inside this repo, there's a subproject made in python to test the Qubo model and how we could use it to play snake game. To access this piece of software:
Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt #use python>=3.10
#or using conda (recommended)
# in case you don't have conda-lock installed
# pip install conda-lock
conda-lock install -n snake-ai conda-lock.yml
conda activate snake-ai
and run:
python ./pygame-qubo-test/
If you want to understand how the tests to map the qubo version were done, you can do:
# in case you used pip before
# pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
jupyter lab qubo-test.ipynb
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