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Research code using machine learning to detect narrowband pulses in Breakthrough Listen data.

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turboSETI-ML uses neural networks to detect narrowband drifting signals in filterbank or h5 files, outputting found signals to a .csv file along with their predicted drift rates.


The search for aliens is hard, but Breakthrough Listen is taking a crack at it, as the largest scientific program dedicated to the search for life beyond Earth.

One of the primary tools built for this purpose is turboSETI (, which searches for narrowband drifting signals in frequency-time data gathered by radio telescopes. These signals typically span only a few Hz, but persist longer in time. Signals that originate far from Earth should exhibit a property known as Doppler drift, where the frequency of the signal appears to "drift" over time; the farther the signal source, the larger the drift rate. One example plot of narrowband signals discovered by turboSETI can be found below.

This would be an ideal detection, as the signal is present only in the ON observations (first, third, and fifth arrays) when the telescope is pointed at the source, and not present when the telescope is pointed away from the source.

Currently, turboSETI is good at finding these signals, but it is not fast. On fine-resolution data from the Green Bank Telescope, where a file contains over 1.74 billion frequency channels to process, turboSETI takes approximately 9 hours to run on a 5-minute observation. turboSETI-ML aims to perform the same search function as turboSETI but at a faster rate.



There are 3 main steps in the workflow of this code:

  1. Generate a training dataset by sampling from a bunch of filterbank/h5 files.
  2. Create and train the ML model.
  3. Predict using that model on some fil/h5 file.

Generating the dataset (

To create the training set, we need a path to .fil or .h5 files. These files will be split up, and each frequency chunk will be sampled to find parameters for a chi-squared distribution that will be used to generate reasonable noisy backgrounds for training. These parameters will be saved to an .npz file.

This can be done with the following code:

python3 /mnt_blpd12/datax/GC/AGBT19B_999_06/*0000.fil -total 100000 -spf 1000 -fs 17e6 -max_time 3600 --save_name train_params.npz

This code takes samples all files matching the pattern /mnt_blpd12/datax/GC/AGBT19B_999_06/*0000.fil. It will take a total of 100,000 means, stddevs, and mins from the files, taking 1000 samples from each file in the path. Sampled arrays are separated by 17 million frequency channels, set by the -fs flag. The final .npz is saved to train_params.npz.

NOTE: The program will duplicate the sampled parameters until there are -total samples if one of the following conditions is met:

  1. The amount of time the program has taken exceeds -max_time seconds(in this case, 3600 seconds/1 hour).
  2. The program runs out of files to sample, which occurs when -spf or --samples_per_file is too small, -fs or --f_shift is too large, or if there are simply too few files to sample from.

More details can be found by running the -h flag.

Training the model (

To train a new model, we first need to pass in an .npz file of parameter distributions created by using the -l or --load_training flags.

For every sample, the program takes a parameter and simulates one noisy array, labeling it as "no signal." It then uses setigen to inject an artificial signal into the array, labeling this new array as containing a "signal."

Below is what would a noisy background with no signal would look like.

And here's the same noise with an injected signal.

You can choose various neural network parameters, such as the number of convolutional layers, via flags like -conv. You can also change the shape of the simulated array with --fchans (columns = frequency channels) and --tchans (rows = time channels). Many other controllable parameters are listed when running --help.

A full command would look something like the following:

python3 -l train_params.npz -f 1024 -t 16 -conv 4 -samp 200000 -e 100 --save_model best_model.h5 --confusion_matrix best_confusion_matrix.png -cores 4

This would load in our previously created train_params.npz and simulate 200,000 pairs of arrays, each array having 1024 frequency channels (columns) and 16 time integrations (rows).

IMPORTANT!!! The -samp / --num_samples argument tells the program how many pairs of arrays to simulate (one array with signal, one without). So, the above command generates 200,000 arrays with signal, and 200,000 without, for a total of 400,000 training arrays! This is an important consideration for memory purposes!

The program then takes these examples and trains a model with 4 convolutional layers for 100 epochs at maximum—the program stops training early if validation loss doesn't decrease for a certain number of epochs.

The best model, the one that minmizes validation loss, is saved to best_model.h5.

A confusion matrix is optionally saved to best_confusion_matrix.png, showing the lowest confidence predictions for each category (True Positive, False Positive, True Negative, False Negative), or a blank array if there were no arrays from the validation set that ended up in the category. If applicable, there should be signals in the True Positive and False Negative positions, and conversely, no signals in the False Positive and True Negative positions.

In the confusion matrix above, the lack of any image in the False Positive (FP) area and FP: 0 at the top of the subplot indicate there were no arrays in the validation set that the model thought contained a signal when it actually didn't. The signal in the True Positive (TP) area is very faint, which makes sense that the model predicted it as containing a signal with low confidence. Can you spot the signal in the False Negative (FN) array?

Multiple cores are supported, and encouraged when possible, to simulate the training set. This is set by -cores <num_cores>, which in this instance is allowing 4 cores to run in parallel when creating the training data.

Once the model has been trained, we can move on to finding new signals!


Prediction requires two paths, one to the candidate file and the other to the model file. From there, we can save a CSV file containing the frequencies of model-predicted signals usin the -csv flag. Since some filterbank files, especially fine-resolution files, are exceptionally large (over 100 GB!), it's important to set the maximum amount of memory that can be used to load in a file at once (default 1GB).

Example usage of can be found below:

python3 /mnt_blpd12/datax/GC/AGBT19B_999_06/spliced_blc00010203040506o7o0111213141516o7o0212223242526o7o031323334353637_guppi_58705_13293_BLGCsurvey_Cband_C10_0057.gpuspec.0000.fil best_model.h5 -mem 20 -csv GBT_58705_14221_predictions.csv -cores 10

In the above command, we let our previously trained model, best_model.h5, run through the filterbank file 20 GB at a time, as set by -mem 20. Predictions are then saved to GBT_58705_14221_predictions.csv.

Like, it is highly encouraged to use multiple cores whenever possible, again set by the -cores flag, but the defaut is to use a single core. In instances with many detected signals, computing drift rates on one core takes exceedingly long, thus bottlenecking the whole prediction script.

Again, more options can be accessed via the --help flag.

/% Write in what the csv file looks like and how to interpret it.


The following are real signals detected by the model!

As of writing, the model is not perfect. Here are some examples it missed:

However, it does catch some signals that turboSETI doesn't find, possibly due to restricted SNR or drift rate search parameters.

Of the signals that were detected by both methods, our ML model and regression methods perform a remarkable job in predicting drift rates. The histograms below show the differences in predicted drift rates.

Best of all, while this file takes turboSETI over 9 hours to analyze, our ML-based method finishes in a little over 30 minutes!

Future Work

While this is certainly looking promising, there are still many things that can be improved.

  • Pass in multiple files to predict in parallel. Would be especially good for Parkes multibeam data.
  • Refine model to work better variable-shaped images arrays.
  • Rewrite multiprocessing code to consume less memory when predicting.
  • Stretch goal: use model to predict on ABACAD observations and use predictions from multiple observations to determine whether there exists a true signal coming from the source (and not just RFI).


  • Vishal Gajjar, for amazing mentorship
  • Bryan Brzycki, for his work on setigen
  • Breakthrough Listen, for a wonderful undergraduate research experience


Research code using machine learning to detect narrowband pulses in Breakthrough Listen data.







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