This is a quickstart for a Vert.x Scala project. It provides a few examples for doing unit-tests.
It comes with vertx-core
and vertx-web
so you are good to go for a little REST-project.
Take your time and take a look.
After launching sbt
you can switch to the scala-console. There we took care that you
get an already initialized Vert.x-instance and the necessary imports to start playing around.
> console
scala> vertx.deployVerticle(nameForVerticle[com.github.dokuroyh.vertx.scala.todomvc.HttpVerticle])
scala> vertx.deploymentIDs
From here you can freely interact with the Vert.x API inside the sbt-scala-shell.
Take a look at the build.sbt and search for the entry packageOptions. Enter the fully qualified class name of your primary verticle. This will be used as entry point for a generated fat-jar.
To create the runnable fat-jar use:
sbt assembly
The project also contains everything you need to create a Docker-container. Simply run the following command to package your fat-jar inside a Docker-container
sbt docker
To run use
docker run -p 8080:8080 default/vertx-scala-todomvc
Point your browser to and enjoy :)