A NativeScript plugin to deal with Declarative UI and Screen Orientation This handles both sides of the orientation issues; both the events on when the orientation changes; and the ability to change the orientation manually.
This is released under the MIT License, meaning you are free to include this in any type of program -- However for entities that need a support contract, changes, enhancements and/or a commercial license please contact me at http://nativescript.tools.
I also do contract work; so if you have a module you want built for NativeScript (or any other software projects) feel free to contact me nathan@master-technology.com.
Thanks to TJ VanToll for the awesome animated gif.
tns plugin add nativescript-orientation
tns plugin add nativescript-orientation@1.6.1
```````````To use the module you just require()
require( "nativescript-orientation" );
This plugin has two separate abilities; the first ability is to setup the cool ability to run a function and setup the css when the screen is rotated. For this ability, you do NOT need to keep a reference to it for the orientation event handling and css. You only need to load it once. I recommend you add it to your app.js file and forget about it. It will automatically attach its methods to all the proper classes in the NativeScript library making it act as if they are built in. What this does is automatically add and remove the "landscape" to the current Page's cssClass variable (and does other magic behind the scenes allowing it to actually work).
If you want to manually control the orientation, then you will need to require it and use the functions you need.
Well, guess what Cascading means in CSS?
Yes, this means this works now:
StackLayout {
background-color: red;
.landscape StackLayout {
background-color: green;
So in portrait the background would be red, in landscape the color is green.
You can set ALL the normal CSS values this way include width, height, font-size. By using the css to control any normal items and your own page's exports.orientation to control anything not controllable by css you can change the look completely between Landscape/Portrait.
This function (if exists) will be ran when the page is first opened so you can set any needed defaults. (This is ran at the same time as the PageNavigatedTo event) This function (if exists) will be ran each time the orientation changes. Unfortunately at this moment some items can't be controlled by CSS like orientation on ScrollView, so this allows you to control change those things when the orientation changes.
var orientation = require('nativescript-orientation');
var orientation = require('nativescript-orientation');
console.log(orientation.getOrientation()); // Returns the enum DeviceOrientation value
This will automatically disable rotation support after it changes the orientation.
var orientation = require('nativescript-orientation');
This will enable automatic orientation support
var orientation = require('nativescript-orientation');
orientation.enableRotation(); // The screen will rotate to whatever the current settings are...
This will disable automatic orientation support and lock it to the current orientation
var orientation = require('nativescript-orientation');
orientation.disableRotation(); // The screen will no longer rotate