AndroidOSms is a simple library that allows you to consume quickly orange api [SMS API] ( and making you productive in the development of your mobile apps requiring a called on the [orange api] ( It is based on the library [retrofit] ( and the library [okhttp] (
The Token object it is the representation object of the JSon response returned by the orange smsAPI.
For generate a Token object, create a object GenerateService.Then call the method generatedToken()
object GenerateService.
For example:
private void generateMyToken() throws IOException,ServiceException
GenerateService service = new GenerateService("5454656","my secret code");
Token token = service.generatedToken();
For example with RxJava:
public void testGenerateToken() throws Exception
String id = "xxxx";
String secretCode = "xxxxx";
RxGenerateService service = new RxGenerateService(id,secretCode);
Token token = service.generateToken();
String expire = token.getExpires_in();
String access = token.getAccess_token();
String tokenType = token.getToken_type();
System.out.println("this token expire in :"+expire);
System.out.println("the access of token it is :"+ access);
System.out.println("the type token it is :" + tokenType);
The SMS object it is the representation object of your SMS have send.
It is composed of three fields (String address
, String senderAddress
,String content
- the field address it is your number phone.
- the field senderAddress it is the number phone recipient
- the field content it is content of message
The ResponseSMS object it is the representation of the JSon response returned by orange smsAPI after having sent a message.
For send a sms Call method
sendSMS(SMS sms ,Bundle bundleHeader)
of object GenerateService. - The Bundle parameter is used to store the data heading returned by the apiSMS.
For example:
Bundle bundleHeader = new Bundle();
ResponseSMS responseSMS
private void SendMySMS() throws IOException,ServiceException
// the address and the senderAddress must be written on this form.
// the Iso code of the country concatenated to the number
// +XXXxxxxxxxx
String address = "+22500000000";
String senderAddress = "+22511111111";
String content = "my content"
SMS sms = new SMS(address,senderAddress,content);
GenerateService service = new GenerateService("5454656","mon code secret");
Token token = service.generatedToken();
responseSMS = service.sendSMS(sms,bundleHeader,token);
// recuperation of information of responseSMS
String contentMessage = responseSMS.getOutBoundSMSMessageRequest().getOutboundSMSTextMessage();
String senderAddress = responseSMS.getOutBoundSMSMessageRequest().getSenderAddress();
String ResourceUrl = responseSMS.getResourceUrl();
// recuperation of information of headers
String contentType = bundleHeader.get(GenerateService.CONTENT_TYPE);
String contentLength = bundleHeader.get(GenerateService.CONTENT_LENGTH);
String location = bundleHeader.get(GenerateService.LOCATION);
String date = bundleHeader.get(GenerateService.DATE);
For example with RxJava:
public void testSendSMS(Token token) throws Exception
String id = "xxxx";
String secretCode = "xxxxx";
RxGenerateService service = new RxGenerateService(id,secretCode);
String senderAddress = "+22500000000";
String address = "+22500000000";
String content = "my content";
SMS sms = new SMS(address,senderAddress,content);
Bundle bundleHeader = new Bundle();
Observable<ResponseSMS> RxResponseSms = service.sendSMS(sms,bundleHeader,token); Func1<ResponseSMS, ResponseSMS.SMSResponse>()
public ResponseSMS.SMSResponse call(ResponseSMS responseSMS)
return responseSMS.getOutBoundSMSMessageRequest();
.doOnNext(new Action1<ResponseSMS.SMSResponse>()
public void call(ResponseSMS.SMSResponse smsResponse)
// recuperation of information of headers
String contentType = bundleHeader.getString(GenerateService.CONTENT_TYPE);
String contentLength = bundleHeader.getString(GenerateService.CONTENT_LENGTH);
String location = bundleHeader.getString(GenerateService.LOCATION);
String date = bundleHeader.getString(GenerateService.DATE);
Mark:In order to send SMS since our API, you must first of all buy a bundle SMS with Orange.In order to to facilitate the integration of API, you have the possibility to buy a bundle "starter".
The RemainderSMS object it is the representation object of JSon response returned by orange smsAPI having sent a request of consultation of remaining SMS. At first you have to be interested in the object PartnerContracts. I invite you to glance on the source code. For example :
RemainderSMS remainderSMS;
private void numbersSMS() throws IOException,ServiceException
GenerateService service = new GenerateService("5454656","secret code");
Token token = service.generatedToken();
remainderSMS = service.remainderSMS(token);
PartnerContracts partnerContracts = remainderSMS.getPartnerContracts();
For example with RxJava:
public void testRemainderSMS(Token token) throws Exception
String id = "xxxx";
String secretCode = "xxxxx";
RxGenerateService service = new RxGenerateService(id,secretCode);
Observable<RemainderSMS> RxRemainderSms = service.remainderSMS(token); Func1<RemainderSMS, PartnerContracts>()
public PartnerContracts call(RemainderSMS remainderSMS)
return remainderSMS.getPartnerContracts();
.flatMap(new Func1<PartnerContracts, Observable<PartnerContracts.Contract>>()
public Observable<PartnerContracts.Contract> call(PartnerContracts partnerContracts)
return Observable.from(partnerContracts.getContracts());
.doOnNext(new Action1<PartnerContracts.Contract>()
public void call(PartnerContracts.Contract contract)
System.out.println("Contract definition it is : "+contract.getContractDescription());
System.out.println("Service it is: "+contract.getService());
.flatMap(new Func1<PartnerContracts.Contract, Observable<ServiceContracts>>()
public Observable<ServiceContracts> call(PartnerContracts.Contract contract)
return Observable.from(contract.getServiceContracts());
.doOnNext(new Action1<ServiceContracts>()
public void call(ServiceContracts serviceContracts)
System.out.println("Your contract service it is : "+serviceContracts.getService());
System.out.println("Description :"+serviceContracts.getScDescription());
System.out.println("Country : "+serviceContracts.getCountry());
System.out.println("The contract id it is : "+serviceContracts.getContractId());
System.out.println("The service expire in : "+serviceContracts.getExpires());
System.out.println("The units :"+serviceContracts.getAvailableUnits());
The StatisticSMS object it is the representation object of JSon response returned by orange smsAPI having sent a request of consultation of statistics ussage. At first you have to be interested in the object PartnerStatistics. I invite you to glance on the source code. For example :
StatisticSMS statistics;
private void consultedStatistics() throws IOException,ServiceException
GenerateService service = new GenerateService("5454656","my secret code");
Token token = service.generatedToken();
statistics = service.statisticSMS(token);
PartnerStatistics partnerStatistics = statistics.getPartnerStatistics();
For exampe with RxJava:
public void testStatisticSMS(Token token) throws Exception
String id = "xxxx";
String secretCode = "xxxxx";
RxGenerateService service = new RxGenerateService(id,secretCode);
Observable<StatisticSMS> RxStatisticSms = service.statisticSMS(token); Func1<StatisticSMS, PartnerStatistics>()
public PartnerStatistics call(StatisticSMS statisticSMS)
return statisticSMS.getPartnerStatistics();
.doOnNext(new Action1<PartnerStatistics>()
public void call(PartnerStatistics partnerStatistics)
System.out.println("The partner id it is: "+partnerStatistics.getPartnerId());
.flatMap(new Func1<PartnerStatistics, Observable<PartnerStatistics.Statistics>>()
public Observable<PartnerStatistics.Statistics> call(PartnerStatistics partnerStatistics)
return Observable.from(partnerStatistics.getStatistics());
.doOnNext(new Action1<PartnerStatistics.Statistics>()
public void call(PartnerStatistics.Statistics statistics)
System.out.println("Service :"+statistics.getService());
.flatMap(new Func1<PartnerStatistics.Statistics, Observable<ServiceStatistics>>()
public Observable<ServiceStatistics> call(PartnerStatistics.Statistics statistics)
return Observable.from(statistics.getServiceStatistics());
.doOnNext(new Action1<ServiceStatistics>()
public void call(ServiceStatistics serviceStatistics)
System.out.println("Country : "+serviceStatistics.getCountry());
.flatMap(new Func1<ServiceStatistics, Observable<ServiceStatistics.CountryStatistics>>()
public Observable<ServiceStatistics.CountryStatistics> call(ServiceStatistics serviceStatistics)
return Observable.from(serviceStatistics.getCountyStatistics());
.subscribe(new Action1<ServiceStatistics.CountryStatistics>()
public void call(ServiceStatistics.CountryStatistics countryStatistics)
System.out.println("Id application it is: "+ countryStatistics.getApplicationId());
System.out.println("Usage : "+countryStatistics.getUsage());
The HistoricPurchase object it is the representation object of JSon response returned by orange smsAPI having sent a request of consultation of purchase historic. At first you have to be interested in the object PurchaseOrders. I invite you to glance on the source code. For example :
HistoricPurchase historic;
private void showHistoric() throws IOException,ServiceException
GenerateService service = new GenerateService("5454656","secret code");
Token token = service.generatedToken();
historic = service.historicPurchase(token);
PurchaseOrders[] purchaseOrders = historic.getPurchaseOrders();
the method getPurchaseOrders()
return a table of PurchaseOrders.
For example with RxJava :
public void testHistoricPurchase(Token token) throws Exception
String id = "xxxx";
String secretCode = "xxxxx";
RxGenerateService service = new RxGenerateService(id,secretCode);
Observable<HistoricPurchase> RxHistoricSms = service.historicPurchase(token);
RxHistoricSms.flatMap(new Func1<HistoricPurchase, Observable<PurchaseOrders>>()
public Observable<PurchaseOrders> call(HistoricPurchase historicPurchase)
return Observable.from(historicPurchase.getPurchaseOrders());
.doOnNext(new Action1<PurchaseOrders>()
public void call(PurchaseOrders purchaseOrders)
System.out.println("Partner Id : "+purchaseOrders.getPartnerId());
System.out.println("Bundle Id : "+purchaseOrders.getBundleId());
System.out.println("Description bundle : "+purchaseOrders.getBundleDescription());
System.out.println("purchase Orders id : "+purchaseOrders.getPurchaseOrderId());
System.out.println("Mode : " + purchaseOrders.getMode());
.subscribe(new Action1<PurchaseOrders.Inputs>()
public void call(PurchaseOrders.Inputs inputs)
System.out.println("Type : "+inputs.getType());
System.out.println("Value : "+inputs.getValue());
.map(new Func1<PurchaseOrders, PurchaseOrders.OrderExecutionInformation>()
public PurchaseOrders.OrderExecutionInformation call(PurchaseOrders purchaseOrders)
return purchaseOrders.getOrderExecutionInformation();
.subscribe(new Action1<PurchaseOrders.OrderExecutionInformation>()
public void call(PurchaseOrders.OrderExecutionInformation orderExecutionInformation)
System.out.println("Amount : "+orderExecutionInformation.getAmount());
System.out.println("Id Contract : "+orderExecutionInformation.getContractId());
System.out.println("Country : "+orderExecutionInformation.getCountry());
System.out.println("Currency : "+orderExecutionInformation.getCurrency());
System.out.println("Date : "+orderExecutionInformation.getDate());
System.out.println("Service : "+orderExecutionInformation.getService());
If you test the library in an emulator and that this error this raises : org.bouncycastle.jce.exception.ExtCertPathValidatorException: Could not validate certificate signature Take care to put your emulator per hour to indicate on your PC or MAC.
In 2015, Amani Christian Cyrille Alves (@DevAlves1993) founded AndroidOSms And of developer group Akanza.
- Gmail : [] (
- Twitter [@cyrilleamani] (
If you would like to contribute code you can do so through GitHub by forking the repository and sending a pull request.