Rare Form Roasting Co. is a proof-of-concept e-commerce website for my personal coffee roasting company.
- Front-end: React.js, styled with some heavily-modified Reactstrap
- APIs & database interfacing: C#/.NET (ASP.NET Core), Entity Framework Core
- Database: PostgreSQL
Developed using VSCode, GitHub, Create React App, and Postman API.
View a quick demonstration of Rare Form Roasting Co. here:
- Custom-built backend with ASP.NET Core MVC controllers for API endpoints, securely connected to a PostgreSQL database for persistent storage
- UI login functionality integrated via ASP.NET Core Identity, with different views and privileges available depending on the logged-in user's role
- Full CRUD operations on multiple fronts: customer users can customize and place orders, admin users can manage orders and inventory
- Development managed using agile methodology; created an ERD, wireframe, and user stories; planned sprints; managed tasks via GitHub Issue Tracker & Projects tool
- A well-thought-through UI and vibe: friendly for multiple viewports; custom graphic design and branding
- In your terminal, run
git clone
+ this repo's SSH while in your target directory. cd
into the directory.
- Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed.
- navigate to client folder:
cd client
- install dependencies:
npm install
- Ensure you have PostgreSQL and .NET installed.
to the main project directory- run
dotnet restore
to install dependencies - run
dotnet user-secrets init
to initialize user secrets - run the following, replacing YOURPASSWORDHERE with your PostgreSQL password. This will save the connection string to user secrets.
dotnet user-secrets set RareFormRoastingDbConnectionString "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Username=postgres;Password=YOURPASSWORDHERE>;Database=RareFormRoasting"
- create the database migration:
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
- create the database:
dotnet ef database update
- In one terminal instance and while in the main project directory, run
dotnet run
(or, start the C# debugger in VSCode) - In another terminal instance and while in the
directory, runnpm start
- Admin user's login info:
- david@rareformroasting.comx
- roastingpassword