Classroom Management Tools & Resources
Final project
Advanced Web Programming
- Front-end: Reactjs, Material UI, react-router, react-hook-form
- Back-end: Nestjs, Postgres, Cloudinary, Passportjs
GA02: Youtube:
GA01: Youtube:
Midterm: Youtube:
git clone
npm install
npm run dev
Then create a .env.local
file with these variables:
Then goto http://localhost:5173/
- Users can navigate between all pages.
- Utilizes a React UI Framework for the project's user interface, ensuring a responsive and modern design.
- Sign Up
- Sign In with email and password
- Sign In with Google
- Sign In with Facebook
- Account activation by email
- Verify access token
- Refresh token
- Sign out
- Managing sign-in and sign-out UI states for users
- Restrict feature access based on the user’s role
- Use a popular authentication library
Users can edit:
- Profile information: firstname, lastname
- Change password
- Forgot password
- Reset password by email
- Upload avatar
- Edit avatar: crop, rotate, zoom in, zoom out
- Create class
- List classes
- Show class details
- Show list of teachers and students in class
- Create a class invitation link and join class by link
- Invite student by email
- Invite teacher by email
- Interactive UI to manage grade structure (like Google Form)
- Show current grade structure
- Add a grade composition with a name and grade scale
- Remove a grade composition
- Update a grade composition (name, grade scale)
- Arrange a grade composition position
- Download default csv/Excel (xlsx) template for student list (StudentId, FullName)
- Class owner uploads a csv/xlsx file with student list (StudentId, Full name): Update new student to current grade board
- Show Students (pre-upload full student list) x Grades board
- Map Student Id with Student account in grade board
- Input grade for a student at a specific assignment: or multiple assignments
- Download default csv/Excel (xlsx) template for grades for an assignment (StudentId, Grade): or multiple assignments
- Teacher uploads a csv/xlsx file for grades of all students for a specific assignment: or multiple assignment
- Show total grade column at grade board: auto calculate
- Export Grade board to a csv/xlsx file
- Mark a grade composition as finalized
- By code
- By invitation link
- Manage profile: change information, avatar, student ID
- Student ID and account mapping
- List joined classes
- View Grade structure
- View class members: teachers, students
- View his grade compositions, overall grade
- Request a review of each grade composition
- View and comment on grade review between the teacher and themself
- When a teacher finalizes a grade composition, create notifications to all students in the class
- When a teacher replies to a student grade review
- When a teacher creates a final decision on a mark review
- The student requests a grade review
- When a student replies to a teacher grade review
- Authentication
- Manage user accounts
- Lock/ban an account
- Student ID and account mapping
- Manually map or unmap the StudentId of an account
- Map a list of student Ids by uploading Excel file
- Manage classes
- View, sort, filter classes
- Inactive/active a class
- Globalization localization i18n
- Course theme and background
- Table data interactive, friendly, easy use, auto calculation
- Includes functionality to upload projects to a public host, facilitating easy sharing and accessibility.
Evaluation Document:
This project was created and is actively maintained by: