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An opinionated flake to bootstrap NixOS systems with default configurations for various programs and services from both NixOS and HomeManger which can be enabled, disabled, configured or replaced at will.


This flake is intended to be used as an input to your own NixOS configuration:

dashNix = {
  url = "github:DashieTM/DashNix";
  inputs = {
    # ensure these are here to update the packages on your own
    nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
    stable.follows = "stable";

You can then configure your systems in your flake outputs with a provided library command:

nixosConfigurations = inputs.dashNix.dashNixLib.build_systems { root = ./.; };

This command will build each system that is placed within the hosts/ directory. In this directory create one directory for each system you want to configure with DashNix. This will automatically pick up the hostname for the system and look for 3 different files that are explained below. (Optionally, you can also change the parameter root (./.) to define a different starting directory than hosts/)

In order for your configuration to work, you are required to at least provide a single config file with a further config file being optional for custom configuration. The hardware.nix specifies additional NixOS configuration, while home.nix specifies additional home-manager configuration. (both optional)

|- flake.nix
|- flake.lock
|- hosts/
|--- system1/
|------ configuration.nix (required)
|------ hardware.nix (optional)
|------ home.nix (optional)
|--- system2/
|------ configuration.nix (required)
|------ hardware.nix (optional)
|------ home.nix (optional)
|--- system3/
|------ configuration.nix (required)
|------ hardware.nix (optional)
|------ home.nix (optional)

Here is a minimal required configuration.nix (the TODOs mention a required change):

{config, ...}: {
  # variables for system
  # TODO important changes
  conf = {
    # change this to your monitor and your pc name
    # should be something like DP-1
    defaultMonitor = "YOURMONITOR";
    # width x height  @ refreshrate
    defaultMonitorMode = "1920x1080@60";
    # scale for your main monitor
    defaultMonitorScale = "1";
    # your username
    username = "YOURNAME";
    # TODO only needed when you use intel -> amd is default
    # cpu = "intel";
    locale = "something.UTF-8";
    timezone = "CONTINENT/CITY";
  # modules
  mods = {
    # default disk config has root home boot and swap partition, overwrite if you want something different
    drives = {
        # default assumes ROOT, BOOT, HOME and SWAP labaled drives exist
        # for an example without HOME see below
        # defaultDrives.enable = false;
        # extraDrives = [
        #   {
        #     name = "boot";
        #     drive = {
        #       device = "/dev/disk/by-label/BOOT";
        #       fsType = "vfat";
        #       options = [ "rw" "fmask=0022" "dmask=0022" "noatime" ];
        #     };
        #   }
        #   {
        #     name = "";
        #     drive = {
        #       device = "/dev/disk/by-label/ROOT";
        #       fsType = "ext4";
        #       options = [ "noatime" "nodiratime" "discard" ];
        #     };
        #   }
        # ];
        # You can also use disko to format your disks on installation. 
        # Please refer to the Documentation about the drives module for an example.
    sops.enable = false;
    nextcloud.enable = false;
    # default hyprland monitor config -> uncomment when necessary
    # TODO: Add more monitors when needed
    #   hyprland.monitor = [
    #     # default
    #     "${config.conf.defaultMonitor},${config.conf.defaultMonitorMode},0x0,${config.conf.defaultMonitorScale}"
    #     # second example monitor
    #     "DP-2,3440x1440@180,auto,1"
    #     # all others
    #     ",highrr,auto,1"
    #   ];
    # or amd, whatever you have
    gpu.nvidia.enable = true;
    kde_connect.enable = true;
    # login manager:
    # default is greetd
    # greetd = { };
    # sddm = { };
    # gdm = { };

First Login

After logging in the first time, your password will be set to "firstlogin", please change this to whatever you like.

Nixos and Home-manager Modules

You can add additional modules or remove all of them by overriding parameters to the build_systems command:

nixosConfigurations =
        additionalMods = {
            nixos = [
            # your modules
            ]; home = [
            # your modules
        # passing this parameter will override the existing modules
        mods = {
            nixos = [];
            home = [];
    inputs.dashNix.dashNixLib.build_systems { root = ./.; inherit mods additionalMods; };

Additional Inputs

Just like modules, you can add additional inputs to your configuration.

nixosConfigurations =
        additionalInputs = {
            something.url = "yoururl"
    inputs.dashNix.dashNixLib.build_systems { root = ./.; inherit additionalInputs; };


Sometimes you want to differentiate between systems that are stable and unstable, e.g. for servers and desktops/laptops. This can be done with the overridePkgs flag for the lib function:

 nixosConfigurations =
   inputs.dashNix.dashNixLib.build_systems {
     root = ./stable;
     inherit additionalInputs;
     overridePkgs = true;
   // inputs.dashNix.dashNixLib.build_systems {
     root = ./unstable;
     inherit additionalInputs;

You can now place your systems in the respective directories. Keep in mind that the hosts directory will still need to exist in each variant. E.g. stable/hosts/yourserver and unstable/hosts/yourdesktop


You can find a custom ISO on my NextCloud server: Link. With this, you will receive the example config in /iso/example alongside the gnome desktop environment, as well as a few tools like gnome-disks, neovim, vscodium, a browser etc.

Alternatively, you can use whatever NixOS installer and just install your config from there, just make sure to set the drive configuration before.


First, copy the readonly config from /iso/example-config to a location of your choice.

cp /iso/example-config ~/config -r

Then configure as you please and choose a command below depending on your disk installation variant.

Installation via manual configuration:

sudo nixos-install --flake <flakelocation>#<hostname> --root <mountpoint>
#nixos-install --flake ~/config#globi --root /mnt 

Installation via disko:

sudo disko-install --flake <flakelocation>#<hostname> --disk <disk-name> <disk-device>
#disko-install -- --flake ~/config#globi --disk main /dev/nvme0n1


This configuration features several modules that can be used as preconfigured "recipies". These modules attempt to combine the home-manager and nixos packages/options to one single configuration file for each new system. For package lists, please check the individual modules, as the lists can be long.

  • Hyprland: Installs and configures Hyprland with various additional packages
  • acpid : Enables the acpid daemon
  • base packages : A list of system packages to be installed by default
  • bluetooth : Configures/enables bluetooth and installs tools for bluetooth
  • coding packages : A list of coding packages to be installed by default
  • drives : A drive configuration module
  • firefox: Enables and configures firefox (extensions and settings)
  • fish: Enables and configures fish shell
  • flatpak : Installs and enables declarative flatpak
  • gaming : Configures gaming related features (launchers, gamemode)
  • git : Git key and config module
  • gnome_services : Gnome services for minimal enviroments -> Window managers etc
  • gpu : GPU settings (AMD)
  • greetd : Enables and configures the greetd/regreet login manager with Hyprland
  • home packages : A list of home packages to be installed by default
  • kde_connect : Enables KDE connect and opens its ports
  • keepassxc : Configures keepassxc
  • kitty: Enables and configures kitty terminal
  • layout : Modules to configure keyboard layout system wide
  • media packages : A list of media packages to be installed by default
  • mime: Mime type configuration
  • nextcloud : Handles synchronization via nextcloud cmd. (requires config.sops.secrets.nextcloud)
  • oxi: My own programs, can be selectively disabled, or as a whole
  • piper : Installs and enables piper alongside its daemon
  • plymouth: enable or disable plymouth
  • printing : Enables and configures printing services
  • scripts: Various preconfigured scripts with the ability to add more
  • sops: Enables sops-nix
  • starship : Configures the starship prompt
  • stylix : Configures system themes, can also be applied to dashvim if used.
  • teams: For the poor souls that have to use this....
  • virtualbox : Enables and configures virtualbox
  • xkb: Keyboard layout configuration
  • xone : Installs the xone driver
  • yazi: Installs yazi and sets custom keybinds


  • Fufexan for the xdg-mime config:
  • Catppuccin for base16 colors
  • Danth for providing a base for the nix docs
  • Nix-Artwork for the Nix/NixOS logo (Tim Cuthbertson (@timbertson))