Experiment has ended, thank you for participating with me on r/unixporn Discord. Without the support of you guys, this experiment is not going to be possible to this day.
Special thanks to:
- u/diamondburned
- r/unixporn Discord
- DanctNIX Discord
- Michael Arthur Long#1193 (Discord)
- Exclusive support to my friends over teamwork.tf Discord, thank you!
This is my own experiment on using Linux Deploy by meefik as something like a portable laptop in everyday life.
The experiment is based on a Google video from 2008 featuring a guy typing on a flip phone that is shaped like a laptop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgsw-NgDoFE
- Device: Xiaomi Redmi 4X
- ROM: Resurrection Remix 6.0.0 (Oreo) other ROM might work too.
- Kernel: 3.18.71
Linux Deploy settings:
- Distro: Arch Linux ARM
- Architecture: aarch64 (arm64)
- HDD Size: 13870 MB
- Desktop: i3-gaps
- Graphics Mode used: XServer XSDL
- SSH: Enabled
You can read the log in log.md file from this repo.
If you're interested in people with the same attitude, join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/AvtdRJ3