This glossary contains definitions and explanations of core concepts introduced in the early sections of the Digital Humanities Research Institute. To see the live glossary, go to
- Accessibility
- Anaconda
- append
- argument
- Attributes
- Attribute Table
- Attribute type
- The Belmont Repor
- Beneficence
- Big data
- Boolean
- branch
- Category
- Class
- Cloning
- Color ramp
- Command Line
- Commit
- Concordance
- Consent
- Corpus
- CSS Selectors
- CSV (file format)
- Data
- Database
- Descriptive Analysis
- Dictionaries
- dir()
- Discourse
- "The Distance Principle"
- Elements
- Ethics
- f-string
- Feature
- Filesystem
- float
- Forking
- for-loop
- Function
- Geocoding
- Git
- GitHub
- Hegemony
- High Quality Data
- Human subjects
- ID
- if-Statement
- Impact approach
- Inferential Analysis
- input()
- Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- integer
- Spatial join by attribute
- Spatial Join by location
- JSON (file format)
- Jupyter Notebook
- Justice
- Layers
- Lemmatization
- len()
- Lexical Density
- Library
- list
- list indexing
- lower()
- Machine Learning
- Markdown
- Markup
- Matplotlib
- Merge conflict
- Merging
- Metadata
- Method
- Modules
- The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research
- Objects
- Open Data Formats
- Origin
- parameter
- part-of-speech (POS) tagging
- Path
- Personhood
- Phatic Language
- Policing the crisis
- Polygon
- pop()
- print()
- Programming Language
- Proprietary Data Formats
- Pull Request
- Pull
- Push
- Qualitative Analysis
- random
- Raster
- "Raw" Data
- Regular Expressions
- Remote
- Repository
- requests
- Resolution
- Respect for persons
- Root
- Root Element
- Scripts
- Shapefile
- "Situated ethics"
- sort()
- Spatial Join
- SQLite
- Stemming
- Stop Words
- string
- Surveillance
- Syntax Errors
- Tag
- Text Normalization
- Text editor
- Tidy Data
- Token
- Tokenizing
- Traceback Errors
- Tuples
- type()
- Universal design
- Variables
- Vector
- Version Control
- Web Hosting
- while loops
- XML (file format)
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