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Geneviève Gates-Panneton edited this page Nov 12, 2024 · 9 revisions

Commonly Asked Questions

For Neon developers

Why are my development changes not showing?

If verovio or Neon changes are not reflecting when testing locally, most likely the browser cache is using old versions of scripts/files. Try running again with a cleared cache and hard reload for your browser.

Why is emscripten/emsdk/emcc not working?

As of May 15th, 2024, this may have to do with emsdk version.

To get emscripten up and running, run the following commands:

./emsdk install 3.1.47
./emsdk activate 3.1.47
source ./

instead of the normal ./emsdk install latest.

Why is "external 'd3'" causing issues?

In Neon, we use d3 for various actions. The d3 dependency is listed as 'external' in the webpack build process, and also imported as a script in the html files. [WIP]

For Neon users

How can I move around the page when I'm zoomed in?

Press down on the SHIFT key and click and drag with the mouse to move the folio around. You can also press SHIFT and scroll and the page will move laterally!

Why is nothing happening when I try to group neumes/neume components/syllables?

Those elements are most probably already grouped! Take a look at the colours to see if that's the case.

Why is nothing happening when I ungroup a syllable, even I'm getting the Ungrouping Success notification?

This is because that syllable is composed of a single neume. Neon operates with the rule that you can't have multiple syllables to a neume, so if the syllable is only one neume, it can't split any further! Ungroup the neume and go back to ungrouping the syllable; everything should be fine now.

A syllable has no bounding box. How can I add one?

Any syllable on Neon automatically has a bounding box associated with it; we users never have to insert one, and in fact we simply can't. If you can't see a syllable's bounding box, two things could be happening:

  • That syllable is linked with the syllable on the previous staff. Select the bounding-box-less syllable and see if a) another syllable gets highlighted and b) the option to Toggle Linked Syllables presents itself to you. If so, click on that button and your syllable's bounding box will appear!
  • The bounding box is hiding--sometimes they're a bit shy and they scurry off to the edge of the page. The easiest solution here is to snap the zoom to 100 to see the whole folio and reduce the image opacity to 0. Then, when you click on your syllable, the sneaky bounding box will get highlighted as well and you'll be able to see it easily against the now-white background.

The neumes/syllables refuse to be in the correct order OR I can't make a neume component sit exactly where it should on the staff OR a neume component is weirdly behind the staff lines. What's going on?

The problem here is that the neume components in question are assigned to the wrong staff. If you go to the 'Highlight Options' dropdown menu and select 'Staff', you'll probably notice that the neume components giving you trouble are a different colour than the rest of the neumes on their staff. To fix this, select the offending glyphs using the syllable selector and click on 'Re-associate to nearest staff'. That should fix the problems!

I have a long syllable with a clef in the middle of it and if I hover over the neumes after the clef, the pitches are wrong. How do I fix that?

Clefs within melismas are rare, and therefore require a bit more attention. The trick here is to click on the clef and then click on the Insert to nearest syllable button that appears (exactly like you would do for divisiones); you'll see the clef immediately becomes the same colour as its surrounding syllable. If you check the pitches now, they'll be correct!

Why is the element I'm clicking on not becoming highlighted?

A couple of things could be happening here. It's possible that you're using the wrong selector, so take a look at the Edit panel to make sure you're actually selecting what you want to select. It's also possible that you're clicking on an element behind a bounding box and Neon won't allow you to do that.

Why is nothing happening when I click on the folio to insert a new element?

Most probably, you're clicking on a bounding box, and Neon won't allow the user to insert things on top of a bounding box. It's also possible that your mouse is moving as you click; when you’re inserting an element, make sure you click without moving at all.

I’m trying to resize a staff, but when I drag the side of it I get a “Glyphs placed out of bounds” notification and the staff snaps back to where it was. Why?

This happens when there’s a glyph on the very edge of the page. Moving a staff or making it bigger can make that glyph go off the page without us realizing it, which is what causes the action failure. Removing the glyphs in the “gutter” will fix this.

Why am I getting a notification that glyphs are placed out of bounds as soon as I open a file?

That’s possible; that’s one of the mistakes we may have to fix. In the “MEI Actions” dropdown menu, there’s a "Remove Out-Of-Bounds Glyphs" button that’ll fix this in one click!

I haven’t finished correcting a file, but I need a break. How do I make sure I don’t lose my work?

Fair enough–everyone needs a Neon break sometimes! Under the “File” dropdown menu, you’ll see the option to “Save.” Clicking on that will save your work in the browser cache, which means you can safely exit Neon completely. When you come back to the folio, all you have to do is click on the same file name in your Uploaded Documents and the file will open looking exactly as you left it. A fair warning, though: files saved in the browser cache will be lost if you clear your browser history. If you’re leaving for a longer time, you can also click on “Download MEI” under the same dropdown menu. That will give you the MEI file with your corrections, which you can upload to Neon the next time you want to work on the folio.

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