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Releases: DDMAL/Neon.js-Legacy-
Releases · DDMAL/Neon.js-Legacy-
First official release of Neon.js with everything needed to correct a square note notation score.
Here is a detailed list of everything that has been updated since the original Burlet/Porter implementation:
- Fixed the file
- Updated to an MVC folder system
- Files in MEI_DIRECTORY auto populate document list
- Can delete MEI files once uploaded
- Can download score image from editor
- Edits now save
- Can select neume head shape upon insert
- Can undo actions
- Can specify which grouping you want when grouping neumes
- Can easily deselect neumes
- Staff lock
- Stopped the auto generation of clefs
- Can remove clefs if they are not the first one/if the staff is empty
- Fixed being able to move objects in insert mode
- Implemented the insertion and editing of horizontal and vertical episemas
- Added icons for neume selection
- Show alerts/show info can now be dismissed and are visible on the page
- Can revert to initial uploaded score
- Can select and edit all elements
- Can select all elements at once
- Added hotkeys and hotkey glossary
- Inserting clef no longer throws errors
- Created glossary for groupings and added pictures, made sure to include different variations of the same grouping
- Implemented liquescence with new grouping method
- Custos editing is now functional
- System numbers update properly upon insertion of a new one
- Custos can now be properly inserted, and cannot insert one if there is already a custos on the staff
- Can merge systems
- All neume types save properly
- Updated README
- Set opacity to half on load
- rearranged the UI buttons
- Removed cheironomic functionality by making default document squarenote.
- Set up GitHub page
- Updated documentation
- Included tutorial in the index page
- Ability to refresh canvas without refreshing page
- Auto-refresh after merge systems and insertion of first clef on system
- Can put clef before first clef and generally fixed a lot of glitches associated to clefs
- Default size of system upon insert is smaller
- Deactivated shift click
- Custos are movable
- Implemented two level Zoom