JS/Typescript SDK for DaoSign Polkadot smart contracts. It allows to store Proof of Authority, Proof of Signature, and Proof of Agreement data on the smart contract.
npm install @daosign/polkadot
import { DaosignPolkadotContractInteractor } from "@daosign/polkadot";
const contractAddress = "YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
const providerUrl = "wss://YOUR_POLKADOT_NODE_URL"; // Optional, defaults to "wss://ws.test.azero.dev"
const accountSeed = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_SEED"; // Replace with your seed phrase
const daosign = new DaosignPolkadotContractInteractor(contractAddress, providerUrl);
const wallet = await daosign.connectWallet(accountSeed);
// Example: Store Proof of Authority
const proofOfAuthority = { /* ... your Proof of Authority data ... */ };
const transactionHash = await daosign.storeProofOfAuthority(wallet, proofOfAuthority);
console.log("Transaction hash:", transactionHash);
Run following command to execute unit tests:
npm install
npm run test
You should see output likt that:
> @daosign/polkadot@1.0.0 test
> jest
PASS __tests__/DaosignPolkadotContractInteractor.test.ts (6.783 s)
✓ should get account balance successfully (27 ms)
✓ should throw an error if account balance retrieval fails (12 ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 2 passed, 2 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 6.848 s
Ran all test suites.