This is my NixOS dotfiles based on nixos-starter-config. Feel free to use it as a starting point for your own configuration.
Nix allows for easy-to-manage, collaborative, reproducible deployments. This means that once something is setup and configured once, it works (almost) forever. If someone else shares their configuration, anyone else can just use it (if you really understand what you're copying/refering now).
As for Flakes, refer to Introduction to Flakes - NixOS & Nix Flakes Book
Want to know NixOS & Flaks in detail? Looking for a beginner-friendly tutorial or best practices? You don't have to go through the pain I've experienced again! Check out my NixOS & Nix Flakes Book - 🛠️ ❤️ An unofficial & opinionated 📖 for beginners!
Type | Name | Hardware | Purpose | |
💻 | Laptop | nom | Gigabyte AERO 15-W8 (i7-8750H) | My laptop and my main portable development machine Framework when? |
🖥️ | Desktop | kroma | PC (AMD Ryzen 9 5900X) | Main workstation and development machine, also for some occasional gaming |
🖥️ | Server | ward | ODROID H3 | Energy efficient SBC for my home firewall and some lightweight services using containers and microvms. |
🖥️ | Server | sire | Threadripper 1950X | Home media server and data storage. Runs all services as microvms. |
🥔 | Server | zackbiene | ODROID N2+ | ARM SBC for home automation, isolating the sketchy stuff from my main network |
☁️ | VPS | sentinel | Hetzner Cloud server | Proxies and protects my local services |
☁️ | VPS | envoy | Hetzner Cloud server | Mailserver |
HL - Homelab
1 is for physical servers at my house
2 is for physical servers at my offsite location
3 is for virtual servers hosted in my infrastructure
4 is for virtual servers hosted in the cloud
ZZZ - Which security zone it belongs in, PAZ, RZ, etc
FFF - Function of the server, WEB, DNS, FW, etc
$$ - Serial number for duplicates
Name | Zone | VLAN | IP-Range | Purpose |
Internet | VLAN1 | | ISP | |
Trust | OZ | VLAN10 | | Operations Zone, Family |
Guest | GUEST | VLAN20 | | No servers in this, internet only |
Security | RZ | VLAN30 | | MAC based access, internet only |
Servers | RZ | VLAN40 | | Restricted access |
IoT | RZ | VLAN60 | | Internet only |
DMZ | DMZ | VLAN70 | | Port specific access to servers |
MGMT | MRZ | VLAN100 | | Management Restricted Zone, where my management devices live, such as my hypervisors, switches, firewalls, etc |
<!-- PAZ - Public Access Zone (also known as a DMZ by some), where anything public-facing lives, such as my reverse proxy and Mumble server -->
<!-- RZ - Restricted Zone, a catch-all for general purpose servers such as Plex, OpenEats, etc -->
<!-- IOG - Internet of Garbage, where all of my Google Homes, Roku, Chromecast, and basically all my "smart" shit lives -->
<!-- DEV - Development VMs that I don't want mingling with the general population -->
<!-- HRZ - Highly Restricted Zone, very sensitive things such as my intermediate CA -->
<!-- VPN - If you're VPNing into my infrastructure, you're dumped into here -->
[] No more enabling VPN apps to reach server, this is crucial for letting other family member use the home server.
[] I can watch my Linux ISO's anywhere I go
[] Syncing files
[] Blogging / Tutorial site???
[] ntfy, uptime-kuma in VPS.
[] More Fun
- Download iso
Ran the following to generate a custom ISO with an SSH public key already embedded:
cd ISO
nix run github:nix-community/nixos-generators -- --flake .#sshInstallIso --format iso
The ISO file will be generated in a directory called result.
#Boot into the installer.
login via ssh
ssh nixos@<ip-addr>
Switch to root
sudo su
Switch to root
Register key in Github
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f /root/.ssh/id_ed25519 -C "root@installer"
cat /root/.ssh/
git clone
cd nixos
- change the disk device path in ./disko.nix to the disk you want to use
- partition & format the disk via disko
sudo nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run github:nix-community/disko/latest -- --mode disko --flake .#"${HOST}"
Check Disk Layout
Run following command to generate new ssh key pair:
Create SSH Key for initrd-ssh (LUKS)
mkdir /mnt/nix/secret/initrd -p
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N "" -C "" -f /mnt/nix/secret/initrd/ssh_host_ed25519_key
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/persist/etc/ssh/
sudo ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f /mnt/persist/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key -C ""
cp /mnt/persist/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key* /etc/ssh/
cat /mnt/persist/etc/ssh/
Add key to Secret Repo
sudo ragenix -r -i ~/.ssh/czichy_desktop_ed25519
Update Flake
nix flake lock --update-input private
install nixos
sudo nixos-install --root /mnt --flake .#"${HOST}" --show-trace --verbose --impure --no-root-passwd
Move Repo
mv /root/nixos /mnt/persist/etc/
enter into the installed system, check password & users if login failed, check the password you set in install-1, and try again
** Unmount filesystems:
umount -Rl /mnt
zpool export -a
** Reboot:
After rebooting, we need to generate a new SSH key for the new machine, and add it to GitHub, so that the new machine can pull my private secrets repo:
# 1. Generate a new SSH key with a strong passphrase
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 256 -C "ryan@idols-ai" -f ~/.ssh/idols_ai
# 2. Add the ssh key to the ssh-agent, so that nixos-rebuild can use it to pull my private secrets repo.
ssh-add ~/.ssh/idols_ai
Then follow the instructions in ../secrets/ to rekey all my secrets
with the new host's system-level SSH key(/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
), so that agenix can
decrypt them automatically on the new host when I deploy my NixOS configuration.
After all these steps, we can finally deploy the main flake's NixOS configuration by:
sudo mv /etc/nixos ~/nix-config
sudo chown -R ryan:ryan ~/nix-config
cd ~/nix-config
### 1. Prepare a USB LUKS key
Generate LUKS keyfile to encrypt the root partition, it's used by disko.
# partition the usb stick
parted ${DEV} -- mklabel gpt
parted ${DEV} -- mkpart primary 2M 512MB
mkfs.fat -F 32 -n OPI5_DSC ${DEV}1
# Generate a keyfile from the true random number generator
dd bs=512 count=64 iflag=fullblock if=/dev/random of=$KEYFILE
# copy the keyfile and token to the usb stick
# seek=128 skip N obs-sized output blocks to avoid overwriting the filesystem header
dd bs=512 count=64 iflag=fullblock seek=128 if=$KEYFILE of=$DEVICE
Generate initial NixOS configuration
With the disk partitioned, we are ready to follow the usual NixOS installation process. The first step is to generate the initial NixOS configuration under /mnt.
sudo nixos-generate-config --no-filesystems --root /mnt
Why --no-filesystems and --root?
The fileSystems configuration will automatically be added by disko’s nixosModule (see below). Therefore, we use --no-filesystems to avoid generating it here.
--root is to specify the mountpoint to generate configuration.nix and hardware-configuration.nix in. Here, our configuration will be generated in /mnt/etc/nixos.
Enable flakes
nix-shell -p nixFlakes git
Enable Feature
export NIX_CONFIG="experimental-features = nix-command flakes"
Partition Harddrive
Install nixos from flake
nixos-install --flake ./#virtual_home --impure
Apply your home configuration.
home-manager switch --flake .#czichy@virtual_home
If you don't have home-manager installed, try
nix shell nixpkgs#home-manager