##How to build bcm21553 kernel
Basic knowledge of Linux and compiling is required to be able to build a kernel. You need Linux machine with git and toolchain installed.
##Setup build environment
In your home directory (~/) create the directories:
Open a terminal
$ mkdir kernel
$ cd kernel
Building a directory structure that will help keep us organized. The "mkdir" command creates a directory, and the "cd" command moves you into that directory. The directory structure is complete. Now, you are ready to clone kernel code.
##Setting up repositories
Clone the main kernel repository, run this line in your terminal window:
$ git clone https://github.com/mohammad92/kernel_bcm21553-common
$ git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6
Open a terminal and type:
$ cd kernel_bcm21553-common
$ ./menu
bcm21553 kernel menu will appear
bcm21553-common kernel build script
b- build # type b will go to build menu.
c- clean # type c will clean kernel directory.
r- restart script # type r will restart menu.
x- exit script # type x will exit menu.
build menu.
Choose your device
1- totoro # type 1 to compile totoro kernel.
2- cooperve # type 2 to compile cooperve kernel.
3- tassve # type 3 to compile tassve kernel.
m- main menu
x- exit script
###zImage will be coppied to ~/kernel directory if kernel successfully built.