👋 Hi, I’m @CrusaderGoT
- 👤 Real Name: Emeka ~ ay-may-kah
👀 I’m passionate about Python, especially with FastAPI and Django for web development. I follow best practices and enjoy working with a variety of libraries and technologies, including:
- 🔢 Numpy and Scipy for scientific computing,
- 📊 Matplotlib for data visualization,
- 🖼️ Pillow (PIL) for image processing,
- 🎶 Librosa for audio and music analysis,
- 🎥 Moviepy for video editing,
- 💻 HTML, CSS, and TailwindCSS for frontend development,
🅱️ Bootstrap5, ShadCN UI, and Mantine for responsive and modern UI design.
🌱 Currently, I'm focusing on:
- Expanding my expertise in JavaScript, Next.js, and modern web development tools,
- Building RESTful APIs with FastAPI and Django REST framework,
- Improving database management skills with PostgreSQL, Neon, and Aiven,
- Deploying applications using platforms like Render.
💡 Recent projects include:
- An API for The Culling Games, leveraging FastAPI and Next.js,
- Dynamic portfolio websites to showcase skills and services,
- Systems utilizing Alembic for database migrations and SQLAlchemy/SQLModel for ORM.
🔭 Future goals:
- Dive deeper into cloud technologies like AWS,
- Explore containerization with Docker,
- Enhance my knowledge in AI and machine learning,
- Expand into automation and scripting to solve real-world problems.
📫 You can reach me at enememeka44@gmail.com or connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Let’s collaborate and build something amazing together!