This repository provides instructions and source files for an example of including the SmartRedis client in OpenFOAM so that OpenFOAM can leverage the machine learning, data analysis, and data visualization capabilities of SmartSim.
The example in this repository adapts the TensorFlowFoam work which utilized a deep neural network to predict steady-state turbulent viscosities of the Spalart-Allmaras (SA) model. The example in this repository highlights that a machine learning model can be evaluated using SmartSim from within an OpenFOAM object with minimal external library code. In this particular case, only four SmartRedis client API calls are needed to initialize a client connection, send tensor data for evaluation, execute the TensorFlow model, and retrieve the model inference result. In the following sections, instructions will be given for building and running the aforementioned example.
Absolute value of the difference between the ML inferred value of eddy viscosity using SmartSim vs the Spalart Allmaras (SA) calculated value from the original TensorFlowFoam project repository. The geometry upstream from the step has been truncated where the error is lowest.
An installation of OpenFOAM-5.x and ThirdParty-5.x is required to run this example. If you do not have an installation of these packages, instructions are provided here for Cray XC (and similar) systems. The instructions in upcoming sections are applicable to both a system install or user install of OpenFOAM-5.x and ThirdParty-5.x.
This demonstration uses MiniConda. Although it is not strictly required, we recommend its use to simplify the tracking of different environments.
MiniConda can be installed via wget
of an appropriate installation script, such as one from
Theta users: on Theta, MiniConda is available through the module system and can be activated via the command
module load miniconda-3
We recommend creating a separate environment for this example:
conda create --name=smartsim-openfoam python=3.8.5
conda activate smartsim-openfoam
An installation of SmartSim is required to run this example. Additionally, the TensorFlow Python package should also be installed. Note that this example is configured to use the CPU versions of the ML backends, but it can be reconfigured to use GPUs. The aforementioned packages can be installed as follows:
conda install git-lfs
pip install smartsim==0.4.0
smart build --device cpu
SmartRedis is also required for this example. SmartRedis can be installed as follows:
git clone
cd SmartRedis
make lib
pip install .
cd ../
The training and visualization steps require additional python packages that can be installed inside of the newly created conda environment as follows:
cd /path/to/smartsim-openFOAM
pip install -r requirements.txt
As part of the TensorFlowFoam
work, the OpenFOAM program simpleFoam_ML
was written to
call a custom turbulence model that utilizies a TensorFlow model
at the beginning of the simulation and then the turbulent
eddy-viscosity is held constant for the rest of the simulation.
In this example, simpleFoam_ML
is also used. To build
the simpleFoam_ML
executable, execute the following commands:
source /path/to/OpenFOAM-5.x/etc/bashrc
cd /path/to/smartsim-openFOAM/simpleFoam_ML
wclean && wmake
After executing these commands, verify that simpleFoam_ML
is in
directory referenced by the environment variable FOAM_APPBIN
The OpenFOAM cases that are used to generate training data utilize a custom turbulence model for enhanced data output. To build this turbulence model, execute the following commands:
source /path/to/OpenFOAM-5.x/etc/bashrc
cd /path/to/smartsim-openFOAM/turbulence_models/SA_Detailed
wmake .
After executing these commands, verify that
is in directory referenced by the environment variable FOAM_USER_LIBBIN
The TensorFlow machine learning model is incorporated into the OpenFOAM
simulation via a custom turbulence model built as a dynamic library.
The directory turbulence_models/ML_SA_CG
in this repository
contains the source files
for the custom turbulence model and the files needed to build the
associated dynamic library. These files have been adapted from the
To build the dynamic library, execute the following commands:
export SMARTREDIS_PATH=path/to/SmartRedis
source /path/to/OpenFOAM-5.x/etc/bashrc
cd /path/to/smartsim-openFOAM/turbulence_models/ML_SA_CG
wmake libso .
Note that the environment variable SMARTREDIS_PATH
is used
to locate the SmartRedis
include and install directories
and should point to the top level SmartRedis
After executing these commands, verify that
is in directory referenced by the environment variable FOAM_USER_LIBBIN
A SmartSim
script (
) is provided in this
repository to execute the OpenFOAM case with
the TensorFlow model. The aforementioned SmartSim
script will deploy a SmartSim
generate training data, train the machine
learning model, and run the OpenFOAM simulation.
The results of the simulation
will be in the experiment directory openfoam_ml
On machines with the Slurm workload manager,
can be used to execute the SmartSim script
. Parameters inside of
be modified to fit compute resource availability.
Be sure to set the
script variables OF_PATH
to the correct directories before
To run
, execute:
On machines with the Cobalt workload manager (e.g. Theta),
can be used to execute the SmartSim script
. Parameters inside of
be modified to fit compute resource availability.
Be sure to set the
script variables OF_PATH
to the correct directories before
. Also, in the
script, set
the miniconda path to the smartsim-openfoam environment.
To run
, execute:
In this section, a brief description
of the SmartRedis
code that was added to
OpenFOAM is presented. With the notes herein,
users should be able to include SmartRedis in any
part of the OpenFOAM code.
Aside from the addition of an include statement in
, all of the SmartRedis
content is in ML_SA_CG.C
In line 447 of ML_SA_GC.C
, the SmartRedis
client is initialized to utilize a SmartSim
in cluster configuration. To
use to a non-cluster Orchestrator
simply change the boolean input to the constructor
to false.
// Initialize the SmartRedis client
SmartRedis::Client client(true);
In line 449 through line 458, a key is contructed
for the tensor that will be sent to the database.
This logic creates the tensor key model_input_rank_
that is suffixed by the MPI rank if the
has been initialized. Using
the MPI rank as a suffix is a simple and convenient
way to prevent key collisions in a parallel application.
// Get the MPI rank for key creation
int rank = 0;
int init_flag = 0;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
// Create a key for the tensor storage
std::string input_key = "model_input_rank_" + std::to_string(rank);
In line 460, the tensor is put into the SmartSim
using the put_tensor()
API call. The input_vals
is a tensor that contains the velocity, position, and step height
for each point in the mesh. The input_dims
is a vector
containing the input_vals
dimensions. Finally, the
last two variable inputs to put_tensor()
indicate the data
type and memory layout associated with the input_vals
// Put the input tensor into the database
client.put_tensor(input_key, input_vals, input_dims,
In line 466 through 469, a key is constructed for the tensor output of the ML model, and the TensorFlow model that is stored in the database is executed.
// Run the model
std::string model_key = "ml_sa_cg_model";
std::string output_key = "model_output_rank_" + std::to_string(rank);
client.run_model(model_key, {input_key}, {output_key});
Finally, in line 473, the tensor output of the
TensorFlow model is retrieved and stored in a vector
named data
. The API function unpack_tensor()
is used to place the tensor output data into an
existing block of memory, whereas the API function
can be used to place the results
into a block of memory managed by the SmartRedis
client. Following the retrieval of the
TensorFlow model ouptut tensor, the data can
then be used in OpenFOAM simulation.
// Get the output tensor
std::vector<float> data(num_cells, 0.0);