Javascript rtma/websocket client.
Install the latest pyrtma:
pip install pyrtma
Write and build message defs for python and js (see pyrtma documentation):
python -m pyrtma.compile -i message_defs.yaml --py --js
Run Message Manager:
python -m pyrtma.manager
Run Web Manager:
python -m pyrtma.web_manager -d
Import and call rtma-js client from your javascript web app
To install rtma-js as a npm package into your react project:
Clone this repo
git clone
cd into your project directory
NPM install
Use a relative or absolute path to this rtma-js repo, e.g.
npm install ../../rtma-js
Using RTMAClient
import { RTMA } from "climber_message"; import { RTMAClient } from "rtma-js"; export default function Main() { const server = ""; const port = 5678; const module_id = 0; const client = new RTMAClient(server, port, module_id); //install handlers before connecting client.on_connect = () => { // subscribe to an array of RTMA messages client.subscribe([RTMA.MT.EXAMPLE_MSG]); } client.on_message = (msg) => { // your logic here if (msg.header.msg_type === RTMA.MT.EXAMPLE_MSG){ const data =; const reply_msg = RTMA.MDF.EXAMPLE_MSG_REPLY(); client.send_message(RTMA.MT.EXAMPLE_MSG_REPLY, reply_msg); } } client.connect(); }