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added exe to kkp helper project, x86 warning fixes, code symbol disas…
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BoyC committed Apr 14, 2024
1 parent 6443d84 commit 701a686
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Showing 4 changed files with 500 additions and 19 deletions.
332 changes: 332 additions & 0 deletions ExeToKKPUncompressed/ExeToKKPUncompressed.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

#define _NO_CVCONST_H
#include <ImageHlp.h>

#pragma comment(lib,"dbghelp.lib")

#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
struct KKPByteData
unsigned char data = 0;
short symbol = 0;
double packed = 0;
short line = 0;
short file = 0;
#pragma pack(pop)

struct SymbolInfo
std::string name;
int fileID{};
ULONG64 size{};
double packedSize{};
unsigned int sourcePos{};
bool isCode = false;

std::vector<SymbolInfo> symbols;
std::vector<std::string> sourceFiles;
std::vector<IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER> exeSections;
DWORD64 imageBase = 0;

unsigned int VirtualToPhysical( ULONG64 virtualAddress, const std::vector<IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER>& sections )
bool found = false;
unsigned int physicalOffset = 0;

for ( const auto& section : sections )
if ( section.VirtualAddress <= virtualAddress - imageBase &&
virtualAddress - imageBase < section.VirtualAddress + section.Misc.VirtualSize )
found = true;
physicalOffset = (unsigned int)( ( virtualAddress - imageBase - section.VirtualAddress ) + section.PointerToRawData );

if ( !found )
printf( "Virtual address not found in any section!\n" );
return 0;

return physicalOffset;

bool LoadPEHeaders( BYTE* peContent, std::vector<IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER>& sections )
IMAGE_DOS_HEADER* dosHeader = reinterpret_cast<IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*>( peContent );
if ( dosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE )
printf( "Not a valid PE file!\n" );
return false;

auto ntHeaders = *reinterpret_cast<IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*>( peContent + dosHeader->e_lfanew );
if ( ntHeaders.Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE )
printf( "Not a valid PE file!\n" );
return false;

ULONG sectionOffset = dosHeader->e_lfanew + sizeof( DWORD ) + sizeof( IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ) + ntHeaders.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader;
IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* sectionHeaders = reinterpret_cast<IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER*>( peContent + sectionOffset );
sections.resize( ntHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections );
for ( int i = 0; i < ntHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; ++i )
sections[ i ] = sectionHeaders[ i ];

return true;

BOOL CALLBACK EnumSymbols(SYMBOL_INFO* info, ULONG size, void* param)
SymbolInfo sym; = info->Name;
sym.fileID = 0;
sym.VA = info->Address;
sym.size = info->Size;
sym.isCode = false;

if ( sym.size == 0 )
ULONG64 typeLength;
if ( SymGetTypeInfo( GetCurrentProcess(), info->ModBase, info->TypeIndex, TI_GET_LENGTH, &typeLength ) )
sym.size = typeLength;
if ( sym.size == 0 && strstr( info->Name, "_real" ) == info->Name )
sym.size = 4; // float value
if ( sym.size == 0 && strstr( info->Name, "_imp__" ) == info->Name )
sym.size = 4; // import
if ( sym.size == 0 && strstr( info->Name, "_xmm" ) == info->Name )
sym.size = 16; // xmm
if ( sym.size == 0 && strstr( info->Name, "_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_" ) == info->Name )
sym.size = sizeof( _IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR );
if ( sym.size == 0 && strstr( info->Name, "_NULL_THUNK_DATA" ) )
sym.size = 4; // ??
if ( sym.size == 0 && strstr( info->Name, "_GUID_" ) == info->Name )
sym.size = sizeof( GUID ); // guid

if ( sym.size == 0 )
auto proc = GetCurrentProcess();


char symbolBuffer[ sizeof( SYMBOL_INFO ) + MAX_SYM_NAME * sizeof( TCHAR ) ];

PSYMBOL_INFO pSymbol = (PSYMBOL_INFO)symbolBuffer;
pSymbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof( SYMBOL_INFO );
pSymbol->MaxNameLen = MAX_SYM_NAME;

if ( !SymFromAddr( proc, info->Address + sym.size, nullptr, pSymbol ) )

if ( std::string( pSymbol->Name ) != )

} while ( 1 );

sym.packedSize = (int)sym.size;
sym.sourcePos = VirtualToPhysical( sym.VA, exeSections );

sym.fileID = -1;

LineInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof( IMAGEHLP_LINE64 );
symbols.emplace_back( sym );

return TRUE;

int main( int argc, char** argv)
printf( "ExeToKKPUncompressed - a tool to extract symbol and line info from an executable through the use of a PDB\n" );

if ( argc < 3 )
printf( "Usage: ExeToKKPUncompressed <input> <output>\n" );

// open exe
FILE* f = nullptr;
if ( fopen_s( &f, argv[ 1 ], "rb" ) )
printf( "Failed to open executable.\n" );
return 0;

// get filesize
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END );
int fileSize = ftell( f );
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_SET );

// read raw exe data
unsigned char* fileData = new unsigned char[ fileSize ];
if ( fread( fileData, 1, fileSize, f ) != fileSize )
printf( "Failed to read executable.\n" );
return 0;
fclose( f );

if ( !LoadPEHeaders( fileData, exeSections ) )
printf( "Failed to parse executable.\n" );
return 0;

// initial setup of kkp data with raw file image
KKPByteData* kkpData = new KKPByteData[ fileSize ];
memset( kkpData, 0, sizeof( KKPByteData ) * fileSize );
for ( int x = 0; x < fileSize; x++ )
kkpData[ x ].data = fileData[ x ];
kkpData[ x ].packed = 1; // no compression here
delete[] fileData;

SymInitialize( GetCurrentProcess(), nullptr, false );
imageBase = SymLoadModule64( GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, argv[ 1 ], NULL, 0, 0 );

if ( !imageBase )
printf( "Failed to load pdb for executable.\n" );
return 0;

sourceFiles.emplace_back( "<no source>" );

SymbolInfo emptySymbol; = "<no symbol>";
symbols.emplace_back( emptySymbol );

printf( "Enumerating symbols...\n" );

if ( !SymEnumSymbols( GetCurrentProcess(), imageBase, "*!*", EnumSymbols, nullptr ) )
printf( "Failed to enumerate symbols.\n" );
return 0;

std::sort( symbols.begin(), symbols.begin() + symbols.size(), []( const SymbolInfo& a, const SymbolInfo& b ) -> bool
return a.sourcePos < b.sourcePos;
} );

printf( "Building map...\n" );

for ( int x = 0; x < (int)symbols.size(); x++ )
auto& sym = symbols[ x ];

if ( (int)sym.sourcePos >= fileSize || (int)sym.sourcePos + sym.size >= fileSize )

for ( int y = 0; y < sym.size; y++ )
lineInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof( IMAGEHLP_LINE64 );

DWORD lineDisplacement = 0;

int fileIdx = -1;
if ( SymGetLineFromAddr64( GetCurrentProcess(), sym.VA + y, &lineDisplacement, &lineInfo ) )
if ( lineInfo.FileName )
for ( int x = 0; x < (int)sourceFiles.size(); x++ )
if ( sourceFiles[ x ] == std::string( lineInfo.FileName ) )
fileIdx = x;

if ( fileIdx < 0 )
fileIdx = (int)sourceFiles.size();
sourceFiles.emplace_back( std::string( lineInfo.FileName ) );

sym.fileID = fileIdx;
kkpData[ sym.sourcePos + y ].file = fileIdx;
kkpData[ sym.sourcePos + y ].line = (int)lineInfo.LineNumber;

kkpData[ sym.sourcePos + y ].symbol = x;

for ( auto& sym : symbols )
sym.size = 0;
sym.packedSize = 0;

for ( int x = 0; x < fileSize; x++ )
symbols[ kkpData[ x ].symbol ].size++;
symbols[ kkpData[ x ].symbol ].packedSize++;

if ( fopen_s( &f, argv[ 2 ], "wb" ) )
printf( "Failed to open output for writing.\n" );
return 0;

fwrite( "KK64", 1, 4, f );
fwrite( &fileSize, 4, 1, f );

int sourceCount = (int)sourceFiles.size();
fwrite( &sourceCount, 4, 1, f );

for ( auto& file : sourceFiles )
fwrite(, 1, file.size() + 1, f );
int packedSize = 0;
fwrite( &packedSize, 4, 1, f );
fwrite( &packedSize, 4, 1, f );

int symbolCount = (int)symbols.size();
fwrite( &symbolCount, 4, 1, f );

for ( auto& symbol : symbols )
fwrite(, 1, + 1, f );
fwrite( &symbol.packedSize, 8, 1, f );
fwrite( &symbol.size, 4, 1, f );
fwrite( &symbol.isCode, 1, 1, f );
fwrite( &symbol.fileID, 4, 1, f );
fwrite( &symbol.sourcePos, 4, 1, f );

fwrite( kkpData, sizeof( KKPByteData ), fileSize, f );
fclose( f );

return 0;

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