a tool for humanizing time
npm i timemark
yarn add timemark
* timemark
* it tells the mark of (endDate - startDate)
* startDate is an optional parament, default by current time // new Date()
* @param {string | number | Date} endDate
* @param {string | number | Date} startDate
* @returns string
import timemark from 'timemark';
const mark = timemark(Date.now()); // == timemark(Date.now(), new Data())
console.log(mark); // -> '今天'
const mark2 = timemark(1546272000000, 1546358400000) // as (2019-1-1, 2019-1-2)
console.log(mark2); // -> '昨天'
Calculate the delta
of endDay to startDay.
The mark will fall into one of these methods by delta range.
closest days
'昨天', '今天', '明天', '后天'
current range is[-1, 2]
configurable only in source code -
little futher days
'周六', '下周一'
current range is delta from startDay in[3, 6]
configurable only in source code -
simple formatter by pattern'YYYY-MM-DD'
, such as'2019-02-03'
if you want more, trymoment.js
npm run test
yarn test
- better README
- more �test
- more option �for the function (see the code)