Repository to store CogComp's BibTex files for (1) All Cogcomp publications. (2) All citations from CogComp papers.
We recommend using 3 bib files for paper writing. Visit the CCG-latex-template overleaf repo to get the latest version of these files.
- ccg.bib, which has all previous papers from CogComp.
- cited.bib, which includes all cited papers in previous CogComp publications
- new.bib, where you will put all new citations in.
If you paper has <= 3 authors, the key for an entry should be the concatenation of:
- The full last name of the first author (first letter capitalized),
- The first two characters of the last name of each following author (first letter capitalized),
- The last two digits of the year of the publication, and
- [Optional] A letter from "bcdefg..." or other text (e.g. volume number) if necessary to yield unique keys.
Entries with more than 3 authors should replace (1) and (2) with the first letter of each author's last name, capitalized.
Example: For a paper written in 2020
, by John Doe
and Nick Fury
, the bib item key would be DoeFu20
. If there are two more authors on the paper, say Wonder Woman
and Bat Man
, the key would be DFWM20
is generated by a dynamic script from the CCG website backend. The most up to date version is served at Once every month, the latest version of ccg.bib will be updated to this repo automatically from the CCG website. If you ever find ccg.bib
out of sync, please drop Sihao or Jen an email.
After your paper gets published, we need to update cited.bib
to include all new citations you made in your paper. Here's how to approach this.
Convert your
file to the CCG format with the [conversion tool].( Check the sub-folder readme for detailed steps. -
. Get the latest cited.bib from the CCG-latex-template overleaf repo.either by copy-paste or the "cat" command
to JabRef software (included in the repo). Generate the correct bib entry keys and sort them by year via the software. -
(Optional) Generate
from the updatedcited.bib
. These are needed in casecited.bib
contains too many entries, and sometimes leads to problems with the TeX compiler.
- To generate cited-recent.bib: In JabRef, select all entries after year 2004 (2004 included) and make a copy
- Run script to generate both long and compact bib files
- Update
to the CCG-latex-template overleaf repo