Problems appeared during the NVIDIA Driver installation. After installing the driver and rebooting the computer, the computer would get stuch on a black/logo screen. To solve this problem, a sequence of commands were found to install the nvidia driver without needing to reboot the system.
To do this run sudo bash
Or manually:
sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
sudo apt install nvidia-prime
sudo prime-select nvidia
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-470
sudo modprobe nvidia
sudo nvidia-smi -pm 1
After every reboot we need to remove the nvidia driver by running sudo apt-get remove --purge "nvidia*"
and after that execute the commands in again.
Run nvidia-smi
to check the installation of the driver
Since the driver version installed was the 460 version we're are going to install CUDA toolkit version 11.2. We opted for the Runfile installation of CUDA.
Go to the CUDA toolkit archive and download your wanted version (in our case 11.2.0). We downloaded the runfile (.run)
Additionally by clicking the link "Versioned Online Documentation" you will be directed to the specific CUDA version installation instructions.
For the runfile installation we followed the instructions here.
We performed the pre-installation actions and disabled the nouveau drivers as instructed.
After that run sudo sh <runfile_dowloaded>.run
- Accept the EULA terms and uncheck the Driver installation box since we already have a driver.
- Please verify that the option to create a symbolic link in /usr/local/cuda is activated.
- After that follow the post-installation instructions about environment setup.
To check if the installation was sucessful run nvcc --version
To install Openface first clone the repository from Github through git clone
To install OpenFace on our machine we needed to make some alterations to the script provided by Openface, these were:
- Add in line 61
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/vislab/FFMpeg/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Add in line 62
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/vislab/FFMpeg/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
- Alter line 70 to
After making the alterations to just run yes | bash
After installing, dowload the models and test it by running
cd build/
cp ../lib/local/LandmarkDetector/model/patch_experts/cen_patches_0.25_of.dat ./bin/model/patch_experts/
cp ../lib/local/LandmarkDetector/model/patch_experts/cen_patches_0.35_of.dat ./bin/model/patch_experts/
cp ../lib/local/LandmarkDetector/model/patch_experts/cen_patches_0.50_of.dat ./bin/model/patch_experts/
cp ../lib/local/LandmarkDetector/model/patch_experts/cen_patches_1.00_of.dat ./bin/model/patch_experts/
./bin/FaceLandmarkVid -f "../samples/changeLighting.wmv" -f "../samples/2015-10-15-15-14.avi"
To install Caffe we use the cmake installation of caffe, which can be found on the Caffe Website. We can clone the caffe and Opengaze repository with
git clone
git clone
We copy the customized opengaze layers before building caffe
cp -r opengaze/caffe-layers/include caffe/
cp -r opengaze/caffe-layers/src caffe/
We install the caffe dependencies with
sudo apt-get install cmake libprotobuf-dev libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev libhdf5-serial-dev protobuf-compiler libopencv-dev libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev liblmdb-dev libboost-python-dev
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libboost-all-dev
Then for the cmake installation we run
cd caffe/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DUSE_CUDNN=0 -DBLAS=Open
Then alter the CMakeCache.txt PYTHON_xxxx variables in the following way (we need to use python 3.8 instead of 2.7 since libboost-python in ubuntu 20.04 is for python 3.8)
- PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/usr/include/python3.8
- PYTHON_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Maybe these alterations can be done by altering in caffe/CmakeLists.txt line 35 'python_version "2"' to 'python_version "3"' bypassing the alterations to CMakeCache.txt
Then compile and install
make all
make install
For the OpenGaze installation we just followed the "Compile OpenGaze" instructions here.
- CAFFE_INSTALL_DIR = "~/caffe/install"
- OPENFACE_ROOT_DIR = "~/OpenFace"
- OPENGAZE_DIR = "~/opengaze"
To compile and install we just do
cd opengaze
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
To test we just do
cd exe/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..
./bin/GazeVisualization -d -t camera -i 0
./bin/GazeVisualization -d -t video -i <videolocation>
For the Gaze360 method we need to install Pytorch with Cuda Toolkit 11.2, theerefore we use a cuda environment to perform this
For the Anaconda installation refer to the Anaconda Installation instructions. Afte installing Anaconda do:
conda create --name gaze_env python=3.7
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=11.2 -c conda-forge -c pytorch
Then clone the 3DDFA_V2 and [Gaze360](git clone repositories:
git clone
git clone
Then install all dependencies of 3DDFA_V2 listed in requirements.txt (except torch and torchvision installed with conda) with
pip install matplotlib numpy opencv-python imageio imageio-ffmpeg pyyaml tqdm argparse cython scikit-image scipy onnxruntime gradio