Give the script a newline separated list of subnets and it will scan each subnet for live hosts then write a certain percentage (5% by default) of random live IPs from each subnet to a SampleIPs.txt.
Just needs python-libnmap
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Run an ICMP ping sweep against all subnets in hostlist.txt, then take a 5% sample from of all the hosts that are up within each subnet and write them to SampleIPs.txt
./ -l hostlist.txt
Run an ARP ping sweep against all subnets in hostlist.txt
./ -l hostlist.txt --arpscan
Run a top 5 port scan against all subnets in hostlist.txt and collect a 5% sample of all hosts that respond with at least one port open
./ -l hostlist.txt --portscan
Create pool of 5 workers instead of the default 10
./ -l hostlist.txt -w 5
Take a 10% sample instead of the default 5% sample of hosts that are up across all subnets
./ -l hostlist.txt -p 10