Sophisticated Backpacks has been rescued back to 1.12.2!
Currently Retro Sophisticated Backpacks aims to add as many features as possible, along with some adjustment to best fit 1.12.2's gameplay.
- Placeable backpacks with various tiers, ranging from leather to obsidian
- Multiple upgrades to customize your portable storage strategy
- Highly customizable configuration to customize your backpacks and upgrades' settings
Due to original mod changed license to ARR, this means the anything following the change will not be added to RSB. Additionally, anything that only exists in later versions will not get backported, e.g. smelter upgrade, for obvious reason, it doesn't exist in 1.12.2.
Here is a list of implemented feature and considered features to be implemented:
- Netherite tier is replaced with obsidian tier, with its material being replaced to obsidian blocks and nether stars.
- Sorting system
- Memory slot
- Lockable by player
- Backpack model render on player's back when equipped
- stack upgrade
- exponential stack upgrade (RSB exclusive)
- inception upgrade
- pickup upgrade (b/a)
- feeding upgrade (b/a)
- deposit upgrade (b/a)
- restock upgrade (b/a)
- filter upgrade (b/a)
- magnet upgrade (b/a)
- void upgrade (b/a)
- crafting upgrade
- everlasting upgrade
- jukebox upgrade (low priority)
This mod IS NOT OFFICIAL WORK of original author P3pp3rF1y, please do not report any issue to original author.
This mod is licensed under GPLv3, all assets are forked before Sophisticated Backpack changes license to All Right Reserve.