Fix. Install. Insert code after namespace anf declare directives declaration.
Fix. Public. JS relative path fixed.
Fix. apbct_restore_include_path. Now works on most types of servers.
Fix. apbct_set_include_path. Protect constant owerwriting tries.
New. Moodle integration. Detect CMS.
New. Moodle integration. Modify signup page to protect registrations.
New. Moodle integration. Custom login page exclusion logic.
Fix. Code. Constant definition fix.
Fix. Code. Die page fixed and refactored.
Fix. Updater. PHP notices fixed.
Fix. Server variables getting from $_SERVER instead of filter_input.
Fix. Common Helper. Add rule for decbin - int type.
Fix: checking the version of the curl for the correct choice of the type of request.
Fix. Helper. Curl options fixed.
Fix: file_exists before unlink
Added params for cookies
Fix: Fixed installation
Mod. PHP 8.1. Settings and Get fields any
Mod. PHP 8.1 compatibility.
New. SFW. CustomDB implemented. (#15 )
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