Documentation is made better when user can provide feedback and provide enhancement. pyATS strongly encourages community involvement in improving the documentation.
To contribute, you need to fork the repository, do your modifications and create a new pull request.
⚠️ Make sure you have the full pyats package installed viapip install pyats[full]
To build the docs locally on your machine. Please follow the instructions below
- On the top right corner, click
. (see
In your terminal, clone the repo using the command shown below:
git clone<your_github_username>/genie.git
cd genie/docs
make install_build_deps
to install all of the build dependencies -
make docs
to generate documentation in HTML -
Wait until you see
in your terminal -
The documentation is now built and stored under the directory
make serve
to view the documentation on your browser or navigate to the repository. -
Please create a PR after you have made your changes (see commit your changes & open a PR)
Here are a few examples that could be great pull request:
- Fix Typos
- Better wording, easier explanation
- More details, examples
- Anything else to enhance the documentation
- For detail on contributing to pyATS, please follow the contribution guidelines