This template gives you everything you need to build a full-stack Web3 application on the Internet Computer. It includes a frontend built with Vite and React, and a backend written in JS/TS (Azle).
Make sure you have you have the latest version of Docker (e.g. >25) and VS Code installed and running, then click the button below
In Gitpod
When the editor opened, run the following commands to start a local ICP node and deploy the canister smart contract:
dfx start --clean # Start a local ICP node
# In a new terminal window:
dfx deploy # Deploy smart contract locally
To redeploy the smart contract, run dfx deploy
When ready, run dfx deploy --playground
to deploy your application to the ICP playground.
- If you get an error "Error: An error happened during communication with the replica: ... Connection refused", run
dfx start --clean
to start dfx.