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CS4 Update
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Added self-intersection correction (SIC) in CS4 pipeline. Corrected some tiny bugs.
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robdahn committed Mar 4, 2025
1 parent 19c695a commit d64f119
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Showing 2 changed files with 90 additions and 57 deletions.
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions cat_conf_extopts.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -460,9 +460,10 @@
'CS2 with SIC (22)',...
'CS3 with SIC (30; IN DEVELOPMENT)',...
'CS3 with fast SIC (33; IN DEVELOPMENT)',...
'CS4 (40; IN DEVELOPMENT)',...
'CS4 without SIC (40; IN DEVELOPMENT)',...
'CS4 with SIC (41; IN DEVELOPMENT)',...
SRP.values = {10 20 12 22 30 33 40};
SRP.values = {10 20 12 22 30 33 40 41};
elseif expert > 1
SRP.labels = {...
'CS1 without SIC (10)',...
Expand All @@ -471,11 +472,12 @@
'CS2 without SIC (20)',...
'CS2 with SIC without optimization (21)',...
'CS2 with SIC with optimization (22)',...
'CS3 with SIC (30; IN DEVELOPMENT)',...
'CS3 without SIC (30; IN DEVELOPMENT)',...
'CS3 with fast SIC with optimization (33; IN DEVELOPMENT)',...
'CS4 (40; IN DEVELOPMENT)',...
'CS4 without SIC (40; IN DEVELOPMENT)',...
'CS4 with SIC (41; IN DEVELOPMENT)',...
SRP.values = {10 11 12 20 21 22 30 33 40};
SRP.values = {10 11 12 20 21 22 30 33 40 41};
end = {
['CAT uses the projection-based thickness approach (PBT; Dahnke et al., 2012) to reconstruct the central surface. ' ...
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135 changes: 83 additions & 52 deletions cat_surf_createCS4.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,14 +52,15 @@

use_cat_vol_pbtsimple = 1;
use_fullpreprocess = 1;
use_high_resolution = 1;
use_high_resolution = 0;
skip_registration = 1;

create_white_pial = 1;

% remove mask_parahipp
% check Yth

% set debugging variable
dbs = dbstatus; debug = 0; for dbsi=1:numel(dbs), if strcmp(dbs(dbsi).name,mfilename); debug = 1; break; end; end
dbs = dbstatus; debug = 1; for dbsi=1:numel(dbs), if strcmp(dbs(dbsi).name,mfilename); debug = 1; break; end; end
S = struct();

% set defaults
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,9 +95,6 @@
% isosurface threshold
th_initial = 0.50;

% too slow currently
create_white_pial = opt.SRP==1;

% Another parameter to control runtime is the accuracy of the surface
% deformation. As far as we primary adapt the mesh resolution above, it
% is useful to use sqrt values rather than linear values to avoid square
Expand All @@ -107,6 +105,7 @@
QMC = cat_io_colormaps('marks+',17);
color = @(m) QMC(max(1,min(size(QMC,1),round(((m-1)*3)+1))),:);
rate = @(x,best,worst) min(6,max(1, max(0,x-best) ./ (worst-best) * 5 + 1));

% some internal overview for developers
if opt.verb>2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,26 +142,25 @@

% noise reduction for higher resolutions (>=1 mm full correction, 1.5 mm as lower limit)
% (added 20160920 ~R1010 due to severe sulcus reconstruction problems with 1.5 Tesla data)
if use_fullpreprocess
Yms = Ym + 0; cat_sanlm(Yms,3,1);
mf = min(1,max(0,3-2*mean(vx_vol,2)));
Ym = mf * Yms + (1-mf) * Ym;
clear Yms;

if use_fullpreprocess
Yms = Ym + 0; cat_sanlm(Yms,3,1);
mf = min(1,max(0,3-2*mean(vx_vol,2)));
Ym = mf * Yms + (1-mf) * Ym;
clear Yms;
% filling
Ymf = max(Ym,min(1,YMF & ~NS(Ya,opt.LAB.HC) & ~( cat_vol_morph( NS(Ya,opt.LAB.HC),'dd',2,vx_vol))));
Ymfs = cat_vol_smooth3X(Ymf,1);
Ytmp = cat_vol_morph(YMF,'dd',3,vx_vol) & Ymfs>2.1/3;
Ymf(Ytmp) = max(min(Ym(Ytmp),0),Ymfs(Ytmp)); clear Ytmp Ymfs;
Ymf = Ymf * 3;

if use_fullpreprocess
% removing fine WM structures in the hippocampus area to reduce topological and geometrical defects (added RD20190912)
% use erode to reduce probability of cutting other gyri
HCmask = cat_vol_morph( NS(Ya,opt.LAB.HC) , 'de', 1.5, vx_vol) & ~YMF; % RD202501: open only not filled regions
Ymf( HCmask ) = min(2,Ymf( HCmask )); clear HCmask;
if use_fullpreprocess
% removing fine WM structures in the hippocampus area to reduce topological and geometrical defects (added RD20190912)
% use erode to reduce probability of cutting other gyri
HCmask = cat_vol_morph( NS(Ya,opt.LAB.HC) , 'de', 1.5, vx_vol) & ~YMF; % RD202501: open only not filled regions
Ymf( HCmask ) = min(2,Ymf( HCmask )); clear HCmask;

% surface output and evaluation parameter
Psurf = struct();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,11 +211,6 @@
Pwhite = fullfile(pp0_surffolder,sprintf('%s.white.%s.gii',{si},ff)); % white (WM/GM)
Pthick = fullfile(pp0_surffolder,sprintf('%s.thickness.%s',{si},ff)); % FS thickness / GM depth
Ppbt = fullfile(pp0_surffolder,sprintf('%s.pbt.%s',{si},ff)); % PBT thickness / GM depth
Pgwo = fullfile(pp0_surffolder,sprintf('%s.depthWMo.%s',{si},ff)); % gyrus width / GWM depth / gyral span
Pgw = fullfile(pp0_surffolder,sprintf('%s.depthGWM.%s',{si},ff)); % gyrus width / GWM depth / gyral span
Pgww = fullfile(pp0_surffolder,sprintf('%s.depthWM.%s',{si},ff)); % gyrus width of the WM / WM depth
Pgwwg = fullfile(pp0_surffolder,sprintf('%s.depthWMg.%s',{si},ff)); % gyrus width of the WM / WM depth
Psw = fullfile(pp0_surffolder,sprintf('%s.depthCSF.%s',{si},ff)); % sulcus width / CSF depth / sulcal span
Psphere = fullfile(pp0_surffolder,sprintf('%s.sphere.%s.gii',{si},ff)); % sphere
Pspherereg = fullfile(pp0_surffolder,sprintf('%s.sphere.reg.%s.gii',{si},ff)); % sphere.reg
Pfsavg = fullfile(opt.fsavgDir, sprintf('%s.central.freesurfer.gii',{si})); % fsaverage central
Expand All @@ -227,14 +220,13 @@
if isfield(opt,'useprior') && ~isempty(opt.useprior)
% RD20200729: delete later ... && exist(char(opt.useprior),'file')
% if it not exist than filecopy has to print the error
priorname = opt.useprior;
[pp1,ff1] = spm_fileparts(priorname);
[pp1,ff1] = spm_fileparts(opt.useprior);
% correct '../' parts in directory for BIDS structure
[stat, val] = fileattrib(fullfile(pp1,surffolder));
if stat
pp1_surffolder = val.Name;
pp1_folder = fullfile(pp1,surffolder);
pp1_surffolder = fullfile(pp1,surffolder);

% try to copy surface files from prior to individual surface data
Expand All @@ -255,12 +247,12 @@

% add the variables defined in "surffile" to the "Psurf" output variable
surffile = {'Pcentral','Pthick','Ppbt','Pgw','Pgww','Psw',...
surffile = {'Pcentral','Pthick','Ppbt','Psphere','Pspherereg','Pfsavg','Pfsavgsph','Pwhite','Ppial'};
for sfi=1:numel(surffile)
eval(sprintf('Psurf(si).%s = %s;',surffile{sfi},surffile{sfi}));

%% reduce for object area
case {'lh'}, Ymfs = Ymf .* (Ya>0) .* ~(NS(Ya,opt.LAB.CB) | NS(Ya,opt.LAB.BV) | NS(Ya,opt.LAB.ON) | NS(Ya,opt.LAB.MB) | NS(Ya,opt.LAB.BS)) .* (mod(Ya,2)==1); Yside = mod(Ya,2)==1;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,7 +312,7 @@
gmt_name = fullfile(pp0,mrifolder, sprintf('%s_thickness-%s.nii',ff,{si}));
ppm_name = fullfile(pp0,mrifolder, sprintf('%s_ppm-%s.nii',ff,{si}));

stime = cat_io_cmd(sprintf(' Thickness estimation (%0.2f mm%s)',opt.interpV,native2unicode(179, 'latin1'))); stimet = stime;
stime = cat_io_cmd(sprintf(' Thickness estimation (%0.2f mm%s)',opt.interpV,native2unicode(179, 'latin1')),'g5'); stimet = stime;
if strcmp(opt.pbtmethod,'pbtsimple')
if use_cat_vol_pbtsimple
[Yth1i,Yppi] = cat_vol_pbtsimple(Ymfs,opt.interpV);
Expand All @@ -345,12 +337,11 @@
% use interpolated ppm image instead of 0.5mm version
if ~use_high_resolution
Ypp = cat_vol_resize(Yppi + 1,'deinterp',resI); % back to original resolution
Ypp = cat_vol_resize(Yppt,'dereduceBrain',BB) - 1;
Vpp = cat_io_writenii(V,Yppt,'',sprintf('%s.pp',{si}) ,...
'percentage position map - V2 - pial=1/3, central=1/2, white=2/3, 0 and 1 to stablize white/pial values','uint8',[0,1/255],[1 0 0]); %clear Yppt
Vppm = Vpp(1);
Ypp = cat_vol_resize(Ypp,'dereduceBrain',BB) - 1;
Vpp = cat_io_writenii(V,Ypp,'',sprintf('%s.pp',{si}) ,...
'percentage position map - V2 - pial=1/3, central=1/2, white=2/3, 0 and 1 to stablize white/pial values','uint8',[0,1/255],[1 0 0]);
Vppm = Vpp(1);

clear M v x3;

if opt.vol
Expand All @@ -376,10 +367,14 @@
% need an additional refine.
% Voxelbased topology optimization is important for the hippo. gyrus.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if opt.verb==1, fprintf('%s %4.0fs\n',repmat(' ',1,66),etime(clock,stimet)); end
nosurfopt = iscerebellum; %#ok<NASGU>
if ~useprior
stime = cat_io_cmd(' Create initial surface','g5','',opt.verb); %if opt.verb>2, fprintf('\n'); end
fprintf('%s%4.0fs\n',repmat(' ',1,67*opt.verb>1),etime(clock,stimet)); % add space in case of details
if ~use_high_resolution
stime = cat_io_cmd(sprintf(' Create initial surface (%0.2fx%0.2fx%0.2f)',vx_vol),'g5','',opt.verb); %if opt.verb>2, fprintf('\n'); end
stime = cat_io_cmd(sprintf(' Create initial surface (%d)',opt.interpV),'g5','',opt.verb); %if opt.verb>2, fprintf('\n'); end
stime = cat_io_cmd(' Load and refine subject average surface','g5','',opt.verb); %if opt.verb>2, fprintf('\n'); end
Expand All @@ -395,6 +390,8 @@
Smat.matlabIBB_mm = spm_matrix(matIBB) * [0 1 0 0; 1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1]; % PBT interpolated
Smat.matlabiBB_mm = spm_matrix(matiBB) * [0 1 0 0; 1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1]; % PBT interpolated

if ~useprior

Expand All @@ -420,35 +417,56 @@


CS = loadSurf(Pcentral);
EC0 = size(CS.vertices,1) + size(CS.faces,1) - size(spm_mesh_edges(CS),1);

if EC0 ~= 2
warning('cat_surf_createCS3:CAT_MarchingCubesGenus0', ...
'Extracted surface might have small topology issues (Euler count = %d).\n',EC0);

if ~debug, clear mask_parahipp_smoothed; end

% evaluate and save results
if isempty(stime), stime = clock; end
fprintf('%5.0fs',etime(clock,stime)); stime = []; if 1, fprintf('\n'); end %debug

% for use of average prior in long. pipeline we have to deform the average mesh to current pp distance map
if useprior
CS = loadSurf(Pcentral);
correct_mesh = 1;
cmd = sprintf(['CAT_DeformSurf "%s" none 0 0 0 "%s" "%s" none 0 1 -1 .1 ' ...
'avg %0.3f %0.3f .2 .1 5 0 "0.5" "0.5" n 0 0 0 %d %g 0.0 0 %d'], ...

% get thickness data
facevertexcdata = cat_surf_fun('isocolors',Yth1i,CS.vertices,Smat.matlabIBB_mm);

if opt.SRP>0
%% call collision correction
% RD202108: Use further iterations if self-intersections are still very high.
% (test data was an high resolution ex-vivo chimp PD image that had still strong SIs after first correction)
stime = cat_io_cmd(' Reduction of surface collisions with optimization:','g5','',opt.verb,stime);
CS = loadSurf(Pcentral);
facevertexcdata = cat_surf_fun('isocolors',Yth1i,CS.vertices,Smat.matlabIBB_mm);
SIOs = 100; SIs = 80; maxiter = 2; iter = 0; verblc = debug;
for xi = 1:2 %while SIs>1 && SIs<SIOs*0.9 && iter<maxiter
SIOs = SIs; iter = iter + 1;
[CS,facevertexcdata,SIs] = cat_surf_fun('collisionCorrectionPBT',CS,facevertexcdata,Ymfs,Yppi,...
if verblc, fprintf('\b\b'); end
if iter == 1 && opt.SRP>1
[CS,facevertexcdata,SIs] = cat_surf_fun('collisionCorrectionRY' ,CS,facevertexcdata,Ymfs,...
if verblc, fprintf('\b\b'); end
saveSurf(CS,Pcentral); cat_io_FreeSurfer('write_surf_data',Ppbt,facevertexcdata);

% skip that part if a prior image is defined
if ~useprior && ~skip_registration
%% spherical surface mapping of the final corrected surface
Expand All @@ -473,9 +491,11 @@

res.({si}).createCS_final = cat_surf_fun('evalCS',loadSurf(Pcentral),cat_io_FreeSurfer('read_surf_data',Ppbt),[],Ymfs,Yppi,Pcentral,Smat.matlabIBB_mm,debug,cat_get_defaults('extopts.expertgui')>1);

if opt.verb>1 || debug, fprintf('\n'); end
res.({si}).createCS_final = cat_surf_fun('evalCS', ...
loadSurf(Pcentral), cat_io_FreeSurfer('read_surf_data',Ppbt), [], ...
Ymfs, Yppi, Pcentral, Smat.matlabIBB_mm, debug, cat_get_defaults('extopts.expertgui')>1);

% average final values
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,12 +539,13 @@

% calculate surface quality parameters for all surfaces
%% calculate surface quality parameters for all surfaces
mnth = []; sdth = []; mnRMSE_Ypp = []; mnRMSE_Ym = []; sdRMSE_Ym = []; sdRMSE_Ypp = [];
SIw = []; SIp = []; SIwa = []; SIpa = [];
for si=1:numel(
if any(strcmp({si},{'lh','rh'}))
if isfield(res.({si}).createCS_final,'fsthickness_mn_sd_md_mx')
if isfield(res.({si}).createCS_final,'fsthickness_mn_sd_md_mx') && ...
~isnan( res.({si}).createCS_final.fsthickness_mn_sd_md_mx(1) )
mnth = [ mnth res.({si}).createCS_final.fsthickness_mn_sd_md_mx(1) ];
sdth = [ sdth res.({si}).createCS_final.fsthickness_mn_sd_md_mx(2) ];
Expand All @@ -547,6 +568,12 @@
res.({si}).createCS_final.RMSE_Ypp_central ...
res.({si}).createCS_final.RMSE_Ypp_white ...
res.({si}).createCS_final.RMSE_Ypp_pial ]) ];
if isfield(res.({si}).createCS_final,'white_self_interections')
SIw = [ SIw res.({si}).createCS_final.white_self_interections ];
SIp = [ SIp res.({si}).createCS_final.pial_self_interections ];
SIwa = [ SIwa res.({si}).createCS_final.white_self_interection_area ];
SIpa = [ SIpa res.({si}).createCS_final.pial_self_interection_area ];

Expand All @@ -572,7 +599,7 @@
% - However, for both intensity and position some (average) maps would be also interesting.
% Especially, some Kappa similar measure that describes the differences to the Ym or Ypp would be nice.
% - What does the Euler characteristic say? Wouldn't the defect number more useful for users?
if any(~cellfun('isempty',strfind(,'cb'))), cbtxt = 'cerebral '; else cbtxt = ''; end
if any(~cellfun('isempty',strfind(,'cb'))), cbtxt = 'cerebral '; else, cbtxt = ''; end
fprintf('Final %ssurface processing results: \n', cbtxt);

if cat_get_defaults('extopts.expertgui')
Expand All @@ -588,7 +615,11 @@
fprintf(' Surface intensity / position RMSE: ');
cat_io_cprintf( color( rate( mean(mnRMSE_Ym) , 0.05 , 0.3 ) ) , sprintf('%0.4f / ', mean(mnRMSE_Ym) ) );
cat_io_cprintf( color( rate( mean(mnRMSE_Ypp) , 0.05 , 0.3 ) ) , sprintf('%0.4f\n', mean(mnRMSE_Ypp) ) );

if isfield(res.({si}).createCS_final,'white_self_interections')
fprintf(' Pial/white self-intersections: ');
cat_io_cprintf( color( rate( mean([SIw,SIp]) , 0 , 20 ) ) , sprintf('%0.2f%%%% (%0.2f mm%s)\n' , mean([SIw,SIp]) , mean([SIwa,SIpa]) , char(178) ) );
fprintf(' Average thickness: %0.4f %s %0.4f mm\n' , mean(mnth), native2unicode(177, 'latin1'), mean(sdth));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -801,4 +832,4 @@ function saveSurf(CS,P)

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