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Doom for the Atari Jaguar - Extended Edition

This project allows you to build Doom for the Jaguar under linux. It uses the latest toolchain released by Atari which was put into the Public Domain. You can read about the Jaguar saga elsewhere - we're just concerned with Doom. We can thank Carl Forhan from Songbird Productions for that. He talked Carmack into releasing the Jaguar source, then played with it enough to get it to work on real hardware, then released the source for others to play with.

Having worked on Doom for a number of platforms, I always wanted to work on the Jaguar version to make some improvements. And here it is. Since the Jaguar tools for the PC were written for DOS, I use dosemu2 to run the compiler, assemblers, and linker. Everything else is done from the linux terminal.

For simplicity, I'm just going to cover setting up dosemu2 in Ubuntu. You can find it for other distros, and it's not hard to setup, but I'm going with what I use - Ubuntu. You can find the Ubuntu PPA for dosemu2 here:

You then add the PPA to your software sources:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dosemu2/ppa
sudo apt update

Then you can install dosemu2 using your favorite software installer (I use the Synaptic Package Manager app). Once you have dosemu2 installed, you'll want to setup drive H: to point at your local copy of the repository. You should have a .dosemu directory in your home directory (/home/username/.dosemu/). You will copy the dosemurc file from the extra_files directory of the project. Edit the file to set the path to wherever you cloned the repository. You are now ready for the DOS side of building Doom. You'll need the gcc build essentials to do the linux side of things. If you're contemplating building Doom, you should know how to do this, so I'm not going to cover it here.

Building JagDoomEX

Open a terminal in linux. Set your current directory to the project source.

cd /home/username/Projects/Jaguar/JagDoomEX/src

Assuming you don't have the wad file for the game, but you DO have the original Jaguar Doom rom image (not provided!), copy the Jaguar Doom rom image into the source directory, and make sure it's named "Doom.j64". You can then create the wad file by running

make wad

in the terminal. This makes a file called doom.wad that has the appropriate data from the original game. You can then delete the Doom.j64 file if you wish. Now to build the game, you run

make clean

You should now be in the dosemu2 terminal window. Inside that window, run

cd src
make boot

You should now be back in the linux terminal with all the files needed to make JagDoomEX. Do so by running

make rom

in the terminal. You should now have a file called JagDoomEX.j64 in the source directory which is exactly 4194304 bytes in length. This rom file can be run in a Jaguar emulator like BigPEmu, or on real hardware using a skunkboard or the Jaguar GameDrive cart.

Loading JagDoomEX across USB to Jaguar GameDrive cart

If you have the JagGD cart hooked to your computer via USB, you can quickly test the game using an abbreviated build. Make sure you have the 'jaggd' program in the JagDoomEX/src directory. Do an abbreviated build

make clean
cd src

Then load and run JagDoomEX by running

sudo make usb

You should see the Jaguar reboot to the JagGD logo, load the code file, load the wad file, then start the game.

I suggest using the open source reimplementation of jaggd by cubanismo:

Build the tool and copy the executable to JagDoomEX/src/.

New Features

You can select widescreen on/off in the Options menu. This makes Doom look the proper aspect ratio on 16:9 TVs. Off assumes a standard 4:3 TV. Defaults to off, and is saved in the e2prom.

I've fixed the Arms indicators so that they show the proper keypad number. At the same time, I've added colors to indicate some status info. The number is GREEN if the weapon is equipped, BLUE if the required ammo is more than half the max allowed count (with or without the backpack), YELLOW if the required ammo is less than half the max allowed count, and RED if the weapon is out of ammo. At a glance, you get vital information. I can make this an option if people prefer not having colored indicators. Let me know how you feel about this.

I now have music and sfx going at the same time. It does slow the game somewhat. It needs optimizing, but this will at least get the ball rolling on music in JagDoom. The Sfx Vol slider controls the volume of sfx, and the Mus Vol slider controls the volume of the music. When the music is off, the speed returns to normal. I did increase the speed with music a hair, but it's still noticeably slower than without music.

New Controls

C/B/A/PAUSE/OPTION remain as set in the game. The differences arise in the number pad, which also affects the ProPad controller.

1 = select PISTOL
3 = select SHOTGUN
7 = select CHAINGUN
9 = select PLASMA RIFLE
* = toggle between FIST/CHAINSAW
0 = select BFG9000
# = select AUTOMAP
* + # = reset game

4 and 6 are the same as the LEFT and RIGHT shoulder buttons on the ProPad, which is why they are set for strafing. I set 2 and 5 to forward and backward because I will be adding mouse support, and having those four buttons arranged as they are will make it easier to play like using a keyboard and mouse on the PC. The buttons 7, 8, and 9 map to the ProPad buttons Z, Y, and X, respectively. This gives you quick access to the heavier weapons in Doom. I decided not to put the BFG in there as it usually has limited ammo, so you really don't want to be accidentally selecting it. Likewise, selecting the fist or chainsaw is fairly rare, so it could be one of the out-of-the-way buttons. When Doom 2 support gets added, the SHOTGUN button will toggle between the shotgun and the super shotgun. Note that you don't NEED a ProPad controller. It will work fine on a normal Jaguar pad. You just don't have shoulder buttons, nor Z/Y/X.

The pad controller goes into port 1. When mouse support is done, it will plug into port 2. You will need an Atari ST or Amiga mouse with appropriate adapter, or a PS/2 mouse with appropriate adapter for upcoming mouse support.


John Carmack for writing such an awesome game, and releasing it to the public.

Carl Forhan for arranging for the code, and doing the initial work to get it

CyranoJ for fixing the offset in the HUD in the code released by Carl.

Bitbotherer for the tips that allowed me to get init.s working on real harware.

Tolbat and JagChris for their help and inspiration in getting music working.
They really pushed that along.

Known Bugs

The network code is still as it was - kinda buggy. I don't know if or when I will get to it. I only have one Jaguar, and the JagGD cart is not compatible with JagLink in any case.


250318 - Fixed music bug when starting maps 10 and 20. Separate SFX and Music
         volume sliders in the options.
250316 - First release with music and sfx during game.
250201 - Fixed bug with indicators.
250201 - Colored Arms Indicators added.
250131 - Anamorphic widescreen option implemented.
241216 - Unlocked all levels.
241216 - Another fix for init.s. Passed stability test.
241215 - Reverted back to using init.sav.
241215 - Fixed sprites sometimes visible thru walls bug.
241215 - Fixed transparent spectres on real hardware.
241214 - Fixed init.s to work with real hardware.
241210 - First commit to repo.
241209 - Fixed the spectre - now in Super Ghostly Phantasmagoric™ rendering.
241209 - Remapped the controls to allow for the ProPad.


Doom for the Atari Jaguar - Extended Edition






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