Release v1.23.1
179 commits
to unstable
since this release
Happy Friday Lodestar users! We've released a hotfix v1.23.1 which includes some fixes we've discovered from recent devnets. For users utilizing Lodestar for the Mekong testnet, this upgrade is mandatory or you may experience errors syncing from genesis. Other users of Lodestar are recommended to upgrade when possible.
Bug Fixes
- sync cached balance when adding new validator to registry (#7255) (@twoeths)
- handle outOfRangeData when range sync Deneb (#7249) (@twoeths)
- sync cached isCompoundingValidatorArr at epoch transition (#7247) (@twoeths)
- prune checkpoint states at syncing time (#7241) (@twoeths)
- v1.23.1 release (#7262) (@philknows)
- skip web3_provider unit tests (#7252) (@nflaig)