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How to go from a simple multisig to a flexible multisig (with pure proxy)

Thibaut Sardan edited this page Apr 5, 2024 · 1 revision

It is possible to add flexibility to a simple multisig, by adding a pure proxy "in front of it". Flexible multisigs have many advantages, the most important one is that they allow to change the signatories of a multisig without having to change the outside facing address.

This article will let you go from this image

to this:

Make sure the multisig has enough funds

Creating a pure proxy requires to deposit funds. Because the Multisig will be the one creating the pure, it is the account that needs the funds. On Polkadot the desposit is ~21 DOT, on Kusama it is ~1.1 KSM.

Video demo

You can follow this video, or see the steps below.

Create a pure-proxy

In this step, you will create a pure proxy for your multisig. What this will do is create an account, a pure proxy, that has no private key. The current multisig will be the unique controller of this pure proxy. To do this, head to Multix > New Transaction. From there, select the menu Transaction > Manual Extrinsic.

Fill in the details as below:

This transaction is a normal multisig transaction that will need to be approved by other multisig members.

And voilà

That's it, once the transaction goes through, the pure proxy will automatically appear in Multix, and you will be able to manage it. The new view with the pure proxy first, and as a controller your original multisig will be displayed to you.

The pure is the account that you must use externally, this is the one that will never change. You can set an identity on the pure by using the menu New Transaction > Transaction: Set Identity. Simple make sure that the "From" account is the pure.