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Ceterai edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 13 revisions

 A moonlike planet with temperate climate and slightly  ionized atmosphere, and a surface affected by constant  stardust fallouts. The high level of ions in the air is what makes this planet's atmosphere a magnet for all that stardust. However, it also causes it to crystallize, resulting in beautiful prisms.

The planet territory is covered with different alta technology, like drones, pods and certain structures.



The water throughout the planet is electrified, meaning it will constantly deal electric damage. This effect can be blocked by Electric Immunity.

All monsters and critters on the planet have full immunity to electric status effects.

Other prominent hazards may include: Stone Spikes, Tesla Spikes,  Yaara Roots,  Nivera Roots



These are valuable items, objects and materials, that can be found on the planet.

Note that this list is generalized and doesn't list all the things you can find, for such lists refer to individual biomes listed in the biomes section.



Wild Crops

Loot Items


This is a list of biomes that can be found on this planet. You can find them below, sorted by the layer they appear on.


Asteroid layer contains following biomes:


The Atmosphere layer of the planet. Contains slightly ionized air with dense cloud formations. Contains 2 biomes:


The Surface layer of the planet. Contains following biomes:

Shallow Caves

A Subsurface layer biome that contains 1 biome:

Deep Caves

A Shallow Underground layer that contains following biomes:

Antorash Ceiling

A Mid Underground layer that acts as a ceiling for the layer below. Contains 2 biomes:


Antorash (eng. Underworld) is a surface-like place, located in the depths of the planet (at the Deep Underground layer). Read more about it here:  Antorash Tour Guide
Contains following biomes:


This is a mostly barren layer with dense materials. Considered a tier 3 monster area.
Contains following biomes:

Possible Weather Combinations

These are all weather configs the game choses from when generating this planet.

  • Stable:
  • Crystal Planet:
  • Rich on Stardust:
  • Hazardous:

Additional Info

  • The forests of this planet are home to exotic fruits and creatures. Plasts of crystals and prisms can be found here, buried in the ground.
  • Scanners show this planet is covered in dense forests and rivers. Detected weak ionic impulses throughout the atmosphere. Be careful.
  • It seems like this planet is teeming with lifeforms. Scanners detect stardust in the atmosphere, as well as high levels of electric charges.
  • Planet is covered in stardust. Additionally, the data suggests it is best to not land there at night or during bad weather.
  • High sources of Alternia energy detected. Pieces of blue crystals are scattered among plasts of moonstone and moonrocks.
  • A stardust-compatible planet. Be cautious of high electricity levels in the air. Also, night and bad weather are not best for landing.
  • This planet is inhabited by lifeforms compatible with or immune to Alternia effects. The flora consists of rare crops and plants.

Planet Lore

These electrified planets are the primary and only home of altas. Rumors are that the planet was chosen due to its unfriendly, yet habitable, adaptable climate. Filled with stardust and alternia, this planet is full of efficient energy sources and valuable resources.


  • spawns only as a planet and not as a satellite;
  • in early versions had ID ctforest and was called Enternia. It contained only one surface biome with the same name and ID;
  • its body mostly consists of the same blocks that can usually be only found on moons.

Technical Info

The planet's Planet Type ID is ct_alterash_planet.

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