A tiny patch that replaces visuals of the default alta S.A.I.L. from My Enternia with the
EDS one.
This is for people who don't use Customizable A.I. but still want the alternative visuals.
You can also use both (Customizable A.I. EDS chip and this patch) to get the full experience, since CAI doesn't replace radio message portraits (and this patch does).
It only updates Alta Species S.A.I.L. and requires My Enternia to work (obviously).
Also checkout:
These are all the different ways to obtain the mod - choose whichever one you like!
Subscribe to this mod on Steam! Link
Get this mod on the official Chucklefish Forums: Link
- Download the latest release or clone the repo;
- Put the dowloaded/cloned folder into the
folder in your Starbound directory.
When downloading a release, you can choose between a
and a.pak
Files, attached to releases, support direct public download links, so can be used by servers as well.