This library makes easier to manage webfonts. Just add font paths in config/fonts.php and call fonts->draw() You'll get css style with all @font-face references and a css class (.font-name) wich you can add anywhere.
$fonts['debug'] = FALSE; // set TRUE to go to strict mode
$fonts['folder'] = 'css/fonts'; // fonts folder
$fonts['minify'] = FALSE; // set TRUE if you want minified CSS
$fonts['font-name']['eot'] = 'font-name-light-webfont.eot';
$fonts['font-name']['eotie'] = 'font-name-light-webfont.eot?#iefix';
$fonts['font-name']['woff'] = 'font-name-light-webfont.woff';
$fonts['font-name']['ttf'] = 'font-name-light-webfont.ttf';
$fonts['font-name']['svg'] = 'font-name-light-webfont.svg#bbva_web_lightregular';
$fonts['font-name']['font-weight'] = 'normal';
$fonts['font-name']['font-style'] = 'normal';
Load library (or add it in your autoload.php).
Add fonts wherever you want. If needed, there are several online tools to convert ttf to webfonts such as
Set filenames path and custom styles in config/fonts.php
In controller, do the magic
$style = $this->fonts->draw();
There you go! Print it, render it, add it to your template or the **** you'll always do