The assignment involves implementing a matrix operation using 3 distinct methods to compare execution time and cache memory usage, based on input datasets of the form input_.
- Implementation time: Approximately 1 day and 5 hours
- Optimization focus: Found in the solver_opt.c file (took longer)
- Performance measurement: Used custom_extended_input file containing 14 tests
- Notation: A' -> A transposed
- Iteration indices k have different start and end values to avoid calculations that represent simple multiplications by 0
- Highlight that matrix A is upper triangular
- These optimizations appear in solver_neopt.c and solver_opt.c
BA_t = B * A'
- Traverse A by rows to increase cache hits due to spatial locality of data
- For BA_t[i][j], sum products of elements on row i of B with elements on row j of A, starting from column j
ABA_t = A * B * A'
- Similar to BA_t operation
- Iteration index k starts from i, not 0, to avoid processing null elements
B_tB_t = B' * B'
- No specific optimization as B is an arbitrary square matrix
- Uses specialized functions from the BLAS library
- Allocates memory for matrices to store intermediate results
- Uses optimizations like cblas_dtrmm() for multiplying an upper triangular matrix with an arbitrary matrix
Running times:
N = 400: Time = 0.039051
N = 520: Time = 0.082263
N = 640: Time = 0.150279
N = 760: Time = 0.248679
N = 880: Time = 0.383806
N = 1000: Time = 0.557041
N = 1120: Time = 0.736165
N = 1240: Time = 1.007427
N = 1360: Time = 1.331663
N = 1480: Time = 1.715105
N = 1520: Time = 1.835016
N = 1580: Time = 2.062585
N = 1590: Time = 2.114121
N = 1600: Time = 2.169437
- Classical approach for matrix multiplication
- Considers A as an upper triangular matrix
- Separate function for each operation in calculating matrix C
Running times:
N = 400: Time = 1.104875
N = 520: Time = 2.427099
N = 640: Time = 5.561833
N = 760: Time = 7.442277
N = 880: Time = 11.474910
N = 1000: Time = 16.781019
N = 1120: Time = 25.995712
N = 1240: Time = 32.177250
N = 1360: Time = 43.591892
N = 1480: Time = 56.415199
N = 1520: Time = 62.512680
N = 1580: Time = 70.806465
N = 1590: Time = 76.373138
N = 1600: Time = 80.531036
- Traverse A by rows to reduce cache misses
- Eliminate index calculations (j * N + i) using incrementing references
- Reduce CPU operations by avoiding multiplications involving N
- Store multiplication information in CPU registers
Running times:
N = 400: Time = 0.276390
N = 520: Time = 0.576796
N = 640: Time = 1.524378
N = 760: Time = 1.806661
N = 880: Time = 2.721285
N = 1000: Time = 3.941125
N = 1120: Time = 6.827338
N = 1240: Time = 7.688742
N = 1360: Time = 11.320905
N = 1480: Time = 13.950172
N = 1520: Time = 16.152508
N = 1580: Time = 18.188416
N = 1590: Time = 20.713333
N = 1600: Time = 23.733250
- BLAS: Lowest number of I_refs, D_refs, and LL_refs, indicating high performance and efficient cache usage
- Neopt: Highest I_refs, suggesting inefficiency
- Opt_m: Fewer memory accesses compared to Neopt, showing optimization effects
- BLAS: Lowest number of Branches, indicating simpler flow control and better branch prediction
- BLAS version is most performant, efficiently using cache for matrix traversal
- Neopt version shows approximately exponential shape for sizes exceeding 900