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📝 Easy (to make) Configurations! A simple, easy-to-use and universal solution for managing configuration files. Enjoy the ease of use with customizable formats for loading, reading, and updating your configuration files. Support JSON, YAML, Hocon, TOML, and much more!


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   ____                _____          ____                    __  _
  / __/__ ____ __ __  / ___/__  ___  / _(_)__ ___ _________ _/ /_(_)__  ___
 / _// _ `(_-</ // / / /__/ _ \/ _ \/ _/ / _ `/ // / __/ _ `/ __/ / _ \/ _ \
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Easy (to make) Configurations!

A simple, easy-to-use and universal solution for managing configuration files. Enjoy the ease of use with customizable formats for loading, reading, and updating your configuration files.

Features & Advantages

Supported YAML, JSON, HOCON and SQL based configuration files format.

  • Class-based mechanism for initializing, loading, retrieving, and updating configuration files, ensuring convenience and efficiency.
  • Supports manual serialization and deserialization of complex configurations.
  • Offers multiple builder forms for rapid construction of ConfigValue<?> objects.
  • Enables specification of configuration paths, comments, and more via annotations.


For the latest JavaDoc release, CLICK HERE.

For a detailed development guide, CLICK HERE.

Code Samples

To quickly demonstrate the applicability of the project, here are a few practical demonstrations:

Check out all code demonstrations HERE. For more examples, see the Development Guide.

@ConfigPath(root = true)
@HeaderComments("Configurations for sample")
public interface SampleConfig extends Configuration {

  @InlineComment("Enabled?") // Inline comment
  ConfiguredValue<Boolean> ENABLED = ConfiguredValue.of(true);

  @HeaderComments("Server configurations") // Header comment
  ConfiguredValue<Integer> PORT = ConfiguredValue.of(Integer.class);

  @HeaderComments({"[ UUID >-----------------------------------", "A lot of UUIDs"})
  @FooterComments("[ UUID >-----------------------------------")
  ConfiguredList<UUID> UUIDS = ConfiguredList.builderOf(UUID.class).fromString()

  @ConfigPath("info") // Custom path
  interface INFO extends Configuration {

    @HeaderComments("Configure your name!") // Header comment
    ConfiguredValue<String> NAME = ConfiguredValue.of("Joker");

    @ConfigPath("how-old-are-you") // Custom path
    ConfiguredValue<Integer> AGE = ConfiguredValue.of(24);


public class Sample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // 1. Make a configuration provider from a file.
    ConfigurationHolder<?> holder = YAMLConfigFactory.from("target/config.yml")
            .indent(4) // Optional: Set the indentation of the configuration file.

    // 2. Initialize the configuration classes or instances.
    // 3. Enjoy using the configuration!
    System.out.println("Enabled? -> " + SampleConfig.ENABLED.resolve());
    System.out.println("And now? -> " + SampleConfig.ENABLED.resolve());
    // p.s. Changes not save so enable value will still be true in the next run.

    System.out.println("Your name is " + SampleConfig.INFO.NAME.resolve() + " (age=" + SampleConfig.INFO.AGE.resolve() + ")!");
# Configurations for sample

enabled: true #Enabled?

# Server configurations

# [ UUID >-----------------------------------
# A lot of UUIDs
  - 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  - 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
# [ UUID >-----------------------------------

  # Configure your name!
  name: Joker
  how-old-are-you: 24


Maven Dependency

Remote Repository Configuration

            <!-- Using Maven Central Repository for secure and stable updates, though synchronization might be needed. -->
            <name>Maven Central</name>

            <!-- Using GitHub dependencies for real-time updates, configuration required (recommended). -->
            <name>GitHub Packages</name>

Generic Native Dependency
        <!-- Basic implementation part, requiring custom implementation of “Provider” and “Wrapper”. -->
            <version>[LATEST RELEASE]</version>

        <!-- YAML file-based implementation, compatible with all Java environments. -->
            <version>[LATEST RELEASE]</version>

        <!-- JSON file-based implementation, compatible with all Java environments. -->
            <version>[LATEST RELEASE]</version>


Gradle Dependency

Remote Repository Configuration
repositories {

    // Using Maven Central Repository for secure and stable updates, though synchronization might be needed.

    // Using GitHub dependencies for real-time updates, configuration required (recommended).
    maven { url '' }

Generic Native Dependency
dependencies {

    // Basic implementation part, requiring custom implementation of “Provider” and “Wrapper”.
    api "cc.carm.lib:easyconfiguration-core:[LATEST RELEASE]"

    // YAML file-based implementation, compatible with all Java environments.
    api "cc.carm.lib:easyconfiguration-yaml:[LATEST RELEASE]"

    // JSON file-based implementation, compatible with all Java environments.
    api "cc.carm.lib:easyconfiguration-gson:[LATEST RELEASE]"


Derived Projects

MineConfiguration (by @CarmJos)

EasyConfiguration for MineCraft! Easily manage configurations on MineCraft-related server platforms.

Currently, it supports BungeeCord, Velocity, Bukkit (Spigot) servers, with more platforms to be supported soon.

Support and Donation

If you appreciate this plugin, consider supporting me with a donation!

Thank you for supporting open-source projects!

Many thanks to Jetbrains for kindly providing a license for us to work on this and other open-source projects.

Many thanks to ArtformGames for their strong support and active contribution to this project!


Open Source License

This project's source code is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.


📝 Easy (to make) Configurations! A simple, easy-to-use and universal solution for managing configuration files. Enjoy the ease of use with customizable formats for loading, reading, and updating your configuration files. Support JSON, YAML, Hocon, TOML, and much more!







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