Project developed in 33 hours for the Hackathon Globo 2018 at Big Brother Brasil in Rio de Janeiro by:
- Carlos Matheus - CarlosMatheus
- Eric Pereira - ericpqmor
- Giovane Costa - giovanecosta
- Athos Couto - athoscouto
Detetive Digital is a Facebook bot that aims to detect fake news. The user sends a snippet of news or a link to the news to the bot, and it compares the data received with the database data it owns from the G1 news site. If the news is in the database it says that it seems to be a piece of true news and returns to the user the link to the news of his database. If the bot does not find the news in its database it searches the news in the rumor database of the G1 news site, if it finds, the bot responds to the user saying that it is probably false or true news (what was said in the discretion of the rumor database) and shows the link of the rumor.
However if there is nothing in the G1 database, the bot says that it still does not know how to inform, but as soon as the database has news about what the user asked he will contact him again. In the meantime, it stores these requests that do not yet have news around and alerts the G1 newsroom if there are too many requests for something they have not yet reported.
The Hackathon brings together 52 programmers in a 33-hour marathon for a challenge that takes place at the house of "Big Brother Brasil" in Rio de Janeiro. The participants are in 13 groups of four people with the goal of making an innovative project with the theme "The future of production and distribution of content in journalism, sports, and entertainment." In the beginning, the participants entered the house, where presenter Fernanda Gentil gives the first directions and helps to form the groups.