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The API service layer for the CDA project

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This repository started as a clone of the kernel-service-poc project.

Sonarqube Static Code Analysis

Clicking on the following image will take you to the CDA Sonarqube code analysis dashboard.
Quality Gate Status

Getting Started (macOS)

Building and running locally requires JDK 11 and gradle. On a Mac, you can use brew to install these.

brew install openjdk@11
brew install gradle

After this add the path to openjdk@11 into your login script e.g. export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openjdk@11/bin:$PATH"

Build and run tests

./gradlew test

The end of the test output should read something like:

6 actionable tasks: 6 executed

Run the server

We use the google cloud sql proxy to access the postgres database. Install the proxy for your system here. Start the cloud proxy in its own terminal (it is a long running process). You must have access to the cda database.

./cloud-sql-proxy --port 5431 broad-cda-dev:us-central1:cda-prototype

Once the proxy is running, start the service locally.

./gradlew bootRunLocal

Testing the server

Once the server starts you should be able to use the swagger page to execute requests. The swagger page is at


You can test out the two endpoints using curl:

curl http://localhost:8080/status

Example query

Select data from TCGA-OV project, with donors over age 50 with Stage IIIC cancer

Request body

  "node_type": "AND",
  "l": {
    "node_type": "AND",
    "l": {
      "node_type": ">",
      "l": {
        "node_type": "column",
        "value": "age_at_diagnosis"
      "r": {
        "node_type": "unquoted",
        "value": "50 * 365"
    "r": {
      "node_type": "=",
      "l": {
        "node_type": "column",
        "value": "specimen_associated_project"
      "r": {
        "node_type": "quoted",
        "value": "TCGA-ESCA"
  "r": {
    "node_type": "=",
    "l": {
      "node_type": "column",
      "value": "tumor_stage"
    "r": {
      "node_type": "quoted",
      "value": "stage iiic"

Curl line

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/boolean-query/v0" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"node_type\":\"AND\",\"l\":{\"node_type\":\"AND\",\"l\":{\"node_type\":\">=\",\"l\":{\"node_type\":\"column\",\"value\":\"Diagnosis.age_at_diagnosis\"},\"r\":{\"node_type\":\"unquoted\",\"value\":\"50\"}},\"r\":{\"node_type\":\"=\",\"l\":{\"node_type\":\"column\",\"value\":\"Specimen.associated_project\"},\"r\":{\"node_type\":\"quoted\",\"value\":\"TCGA-OV\"}}},\"r\":{\"node_type\":\"=\",\"l\":{\"node_type\":\"column\",\"value\":\"Diagnosis.tumor_stage\"},\"r\":{\"node_type\":\"quoted\",\"value\":\"Stage IIIC\"}}}"

Generating Python Client APIs

The OpenAPI YAML can be used to generate python client code. To do this, run the gradle task buildPythonSdk:

./gradlew buildPythonSdk

To push the generated code to the client code repo cda-service-python-client, run the git-push script:

./misc/ "Comment describing the change" 


  • This will completely overwrite the previous code with the newly generated code.
  • The python package version uses the openapi version (property info.version). Be sure to update the openapi yaml version before generating a new python client, or the new client will have the same version.


By default, log output is in JSON format to make it easier to process in stackdriver. Since this can make the log harder to read, you can use text logging instead by set the environment variable LOG_APPENDER to Console-Standard when debugging:

LOG_APPENDER=Console-Standard ./gradlew bootRun

OpenAPI V3

The API specification in OpenAPI V3 is at src/main/resources/api/service_openapi.yaml

A swagger-ui page is available at /api/swagger-ui.html on any running instance. TEMPLATE: Once a service has a stable dev/alpha instance, a link to its swagger-ui page should go here.

Spring Boot

We use Spring Boot as our framework for REST servers. The objective is to use a minimal set of Spring features; there are many ways to do the same thing and we would like to constrain ourselves to a common set of techniques.


We only use Java configuration. We never use XML files.

In general, we use type-safe configuration parameters as shown here: Type-safe Configuration Properties. That allows proper typing of parameters read from property files or environment variables. Parameters are then accessed with normal accessor methods. You should never need to use an @Value annotation.


When the applications starts, Spring wires up the components based on the profiles in place. Setting different profiles allows different components to be included. This technique is used as the way to choose the cloud platform (Google, Azure, AWS) code to include.

We use the Spring idiom of the postSetupInitialization, found in, to perform initialization of the application between the point of having the entire application initialized and the point of opening the port to start accepting REST requests.

Annotating Singletons

The typical pattern when using Spring is to make singleton classes for each service, controller, and DAO. You do not have to write the class with its own singleton support. Instead, annotate the class with the appropriate Spring annotation. Here are ones we use:

  • @Component Regular singleton class, like a service.
  • @Repository DAO component
  • @Controller REST Controller
  • @Configuration Definition of properties

Common Annotations

There are other annotations that are handy to know about.


Spring wires up the singletons and other beans when the application is launched. That allows us to use Spring profiles to control the collection of code that is run for different environments. Perhaps obviously, you can only autowire singletons to each other. You cannot autowire dynamically created objects.

There are two styles for declaring autowiring. The preferred method of autowiring, is to put the annotation on the constructor of the class. Spring will autowire all of the inputs to the constructor.

public class Foo {
    private Bar bar;
    private Fribble fribble;

    public Foo(Bar bar, Fribble fribble) { = bar; = foo;

Spring will pass in the instances of Bar and Fribble into the constructor. It is possible to autowire a specific class member, but that is rarely necessary:

public class Foo {
    private Bar bar;

REST Annotations

  • @RequestBody Marks the controller input parameter receiving the body of the request
  • @PathVariable("x") Marks the controller input parameter receiving the parameter x
  • @RequestParam("y") Marks the controller input parameter receiving the query parametery

JSON Annotations

We use the Jackson JSON library for serializing objects to and from JSON. Most of the time, you don't need to use JSON annotations. It is sufficient to provide setter/getter methods for class members and let Jackson figure things out with interospection. There are cases where it needs help and you have to be specific.

The common JSON annotations are:

  • @JsonValue Marks a class member as data that should be (de)serialized to(from) JSON. You can specify a name as a parameter to specify the JSON name for the member.
  • @JsonIgnore Marks a class member that should not be (de)serialized
  • @JsonCreator Marks a constructor to be used to create an object from JSON.

For more details see Jackson JSON Documentation

Main Code Structure

This section explains the code structure of the template. Here is the directory structure:

  • /app For the top of the application, including Main and the StartupInitializer
  • /app/configuration For all of the bean and property definitions
  • /app/controller For the REST controllers. The controllers typically do very little. They invoke a service to do the work and package the service output into the response. The controller package also defines the global exception handling.
  • /common For common models and common exceptions; for example, a model that is shared by more than one service.
  • /common/exception The template provides abstract base classes for the commonly used HTTP status responses. They are all based on the ErrorReportException that provides the explicit HTTP status and "causes" information for our standard ErrorReport model.
  • /service Each service gets a package within. We handle cloud-platform specializations within each service.
  • /resources Properties definitions, database schema definitions, and the REST API definition

Test Structure

Test methods are currently one of two kinds of tests. A unit test, which tests an individual method in a class, or a Mock MVC test, which uses mocked services to test a specific endpoint.

Future tests could include integration tests, which would use endpoints to call into real (not mocked) services.


On commit to master

When a commit is merged to master, the master_push workflow is triggered.

It has two jobs. The first is in this repo: incrementing the tag, building the Docker image, and pushing it to GCR. The second reaches out to Broad DevOps, recording the new version in their systems here.

Deploying to Broad's environments

To deploy a version Broad's dev environment, visit this page, supply a new value under "Specify App Version" -> "Set Exact Version", and scroll down to hit "Calculate and Preview". The "Apply" button on the next page will do the deployment to dev.

Info Once deployed to Broad's dev environment, that version will be automatically promoted through our environments until finally being deployed to production alongside the usually-weekly monolith rollout. Manual deployment to production is also available (hotfix document here). Feel free to reach out to Broad's #dsp-devops-champions with any questions.

Using cloud code and skaffold

Once you have deployed to GKE, if you are developing on the API it might be useful to update the API container image without having to go through a full re-deploy of the Kubernetes namespace. CloudCode for IntelliJ makes this simple. Code for local development lives in the local-dev directory. First install skaffold and helm

brew install skaffold helm

Next, enable the CloudCode plugin for IntelliJ.

Finally, run local-dev/ <your dev environment name>. This is a small script that clones the Terra helm charts and values definitions, then sets up your local skaffold.yaml file.

Then you should be able to either Deploy to Kubernetes or Develop on Kubernetes from the run configurations menu.