This is a helm repository for cda from Broad Data Science Platforms Group.
To install the repo, run the following commands:
helm repo add cda-helm <>
helm repo update
To install the charts, simply run helm install cda-helm/<chart>
. This is the default repository for Helm, which is located at and is installed by default.
For more information on using Helm, please refer to the Helm documentation.
Here's an example command to upgrade cda:
helm upgrade cda cda-helm/cda --install --namespace dev --create-namespace
To use GitHub Actions, you need to supply a valid GitHub token (Personal access token) in the cr.yml
To obtain a token, go to your GitHub settings, then to developer settings, and find the "Personal access tokens (classic)" option. Generate a token and use it in the cr.yml
Please note that at some point in the future, "Personal access tokens (classic)" will be removed from GitHub. You will then need to use Fine-grained personal access tokens (currently in beta) as of 4/5/2023.
Tools: you can use to lint yaml