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Releases: CallmeBK/VolLightbarCtrlWithDS4

Add Lightbar Brightness Toggle

27 May 22:52
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You can now toggle lightbar brightness back and forth between 5% and 100% by pressing L1, L2, R1, and R2 at the same time. Settings are saved for each controller in text files:


The number within each file indicates the brightness percentage that that controller's lightbar will have. The files will be created automatically after replacing v1.2 skprx with v1.3 skprx and then restarting the system.

You can also manually adjust the number in each text file if you want something other than 5% and 100% brightness, but changes will not take effect until you restart the system. If you do set your own value that is not 5% nor 100%, pressing L1, L2, R1, and R2 at the same time will not change the brightness anymore. That functionality will come back after manually changing the value back to either 5% or 100% in the text file and then restarting the system.

Thank you aliihsanasl for this idea to allow for an extended ds4 batterly life.

PSTV volume control functionality fixed

18 Mar 21:44
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When using hotkeys Select + L1 or Select + R1 on PSTV, volume indicator would appear showing a volume level of zero and the volume would not change.

(PSTV Only) As of this release, the volume now changes with Select + L1/R1 hotkeys and I've drawn my own on-screen volume indicator to show the current volume level. Now this plugin is fully functional for both PS Vita and PSTV.

VolLightbarCtrlWithDS4 v1.1

28 Sep 17:26
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Cleaned up code. Added for loop to cycle through controller ports and minimize if statements.


24 Sep 11:40
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Initial release. Supports 4 DS4 controllers.