I originally coded Twitterbot to retweet all my friends' tweets that contained my name. Seeing the potential 📈 of the project I made a GUI that requests only the required information needed to create a Twitter bot. Now everyone can have their own bot for free 🤑. I believe 🙏 this will help marketing campaigns and companies advertisements.
The program is written in Python3 using Twitter's API v1.1 to gather the data and execute the actions.
In order to the script run correctly you'll have to install two third-party modules:
- Tweepy
Just use the commands shown below in your terminal.
pip install tweepy Pillow
When running the script for the first time a "Bot Settings" window will appear for you to input the necessary data.
In the Keys & Tokens section you have to input the four required API Keys.
In the Search for tweets field you'll input the word you want the bot to interact with.
Hitting the ENTER button will create a "settings.txt" file which will storage all the previous data. "Bot Settings" will close automatically.
Now just input the @ and click START BOT. The border will turn green and a terminal will show up.
In case of errors a warning window will pop-up with more details. Feel free to modify the code.