Flask is a micro web framework for Python. It allows developers to build web applications quickly and easily. It is known for its simplicity and flexibility, making it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced developers.
(Depending on your project, these software may or may not be required. Install accordingly)
You can follow with Automatic Installation or Manual Installation!
To know how this script works, you can check by visiting this repository.
- Open this link and right click, save as run.bat
- Create a folder anywhere in your system and paste the bat file there.
- Run the run.bat file just by double clicking it. DO NOT RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR. If prompted for UAC (yes or no), press Yes.
- After the first file is executed successfully without any errors. Run the file.bat from same directory by double clicking.
- A folder called Flask-Project must be created and VS Code opened in that directory.
If any issues occur during installation you can post the issue here.
(Follow default installation steps. Make sure to tick add .PATH for python)
- Python - REQUIRED
- Git - To clone the repository
- Any code editor of your choice, preferably VS Code
- XAMPP Control Center
- MongoDB Server
Python packages used for this project
pip install blinker certifi charset-normalizer click colorama dnspython Flask Flask-Mail Flask-MySQLdb idna itsdangerous Jinja2 MarkupSafe mysql-connector-python passlib pymongo razorpay requests urllib3 Werkzeug
Clone The Repo:
git clone https://github.com/CSI-SFIT/Flask-Forward-Fundamentals-and-Beyond.git
- Paste the above command in your cmd.
Flask Mail:
- Set MAIL_USERNAME as your SFIT email account
- Set MAIL_PASSWORD as your email id password
- Visit this link >> Select your SFIT account >> Allow less secure apps (Make sure you have 2FA disabled for this to work)
- Open XAMPP Control Center and Start both Apache & MySQL:
- After the admin page is opened click on new database and type database name as portfolio
- Select the portfolio database and paste the following lines in the SQL tab
CREATE TABLE projects ( sno INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, description TEXT, link VARCHAR(255), img_file VARCHAR(255), date DATE ); CREATE TABLE contacts ( sno INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, phone VARCHAR(20), msg TEXT, date DATE, email VARCHAR(255) );
- Open XAMPP Control Center and Start both Apache & MySQL:
- Replace every instance of YOUR_NAME with your actual name in the main.py file.
Add your Email ID to following line
sender='', #sender='youremail@example.com';
CSI SFIT Tech Team 2023 - 2024