This repository contains all related to resampling module for AClimate
- Generate climate scenarios base on probabilities
- Complete daily data using CHIRPS and ERA 5
- Include data for case use in data folder
- Include modules to configure the env in modules folder
- Python 3.x
- You need the .cdsapirc file which should be in $HOME if you are using linux or User Home if you use Windows
You should create a env to run the code and install the requeriments. Run the following commands in the prompt
pip install virtualenv
venv env
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can run the unit testing using the following command
python -m unittest discover -s .\test
This module can be used as a library in other Python projects. You can install this module using pip:
pip install git+
If you want to download a specific version of orm you can do so by indicating the version tag (@v0.0.0) at the end of the install command
pip install git+
You can run the module using the command aclimate_resampling followed by the required parameters:
aclimate_resampling -C ETHIOPIA -p "D:\\aclimate_resampling\\data\\" -m 1 -c 2 -y 2023
-C, --country: Name of the country to be processed. -p, --path: Root path where the forecast is running (default: current directory). -m, --prev-months: Amount of months that you want to add. -c, --cores: Number of CPU cores to use in the calculation. -y, --forecast-year: Year Forecast.