A WordPress plugin that allows organizations to manage and verify certificates. Users can add certificates individually or bulk import via CSV, while visitors can verify certificates using a simple verification form.
Add individual certificates with details:
- Name
- Certificate Number
- Issue Date
Bulk import certificates via CSV
Export all certificates to CSV
Edit existing certificates
Delete certificates
Public certificate verification via shortcode
Responsive, modern UI
Secure data handling with input sanitization
- Download the plugin files
- Zip
directory - On the WordPress admin, add new plugin and upload the compressed plugin
- Activate the plugin
Access the admin interface by clicking "Certificate Verifier" in the WordPress admin menu. Here you can:
Add New Certificate
- Fill in the required fields (Name, Email, Certificate Number, Issue Date)
- Click "Add Certificate"
Import Certificates via CSV
- Prepare a CSV file with the following columns:
Name,Email,Certificate Number,Issue Date John Doe,john@example.com,CERT-001,2024-01-01
- Click "Choose File" in the Upload CSV section
- Select your CSV file
- Click "Upload CSV"
- Prepare a CSV file with the following columns:
Export Certificates
- Click "Export CSV" to download all certificates
Manage Existing Certificates
- View all certificates in the table
- Click "Edit" to modify a certificate
- Click "Update" to save changes
- Click "Delete" to remove a certificate
Add the verification form to any page or post using the shortcode:
This will display a form where users can enter a certificate number to verify its authenticity.
When importing certificates via CSV:
- The first row should contain column headers
- Required columns:
- Name
- Certificate Number
- Issue Date (YYYY-MM-DD format)
- Example:
Name,Email,Certificate Number,Issue Date John Doe,john@example.com,CERT-001,2024-01-01 Jane Smith,jane@example.com,CERT-002,2024-01-02
- Input sanitization for all form submissions
- Data validation before database operations
- Unique certificate numbers enforced
- WordPress nonce verification for forms
- Error logging for troubleshooting
Link: https://verify.cair-nepal.org/
For issues, questions, or suggestions, please create an issue in the repository or contact the plugin author.
This plugin is licensed under the GPL v2 or later.
Tek Raj Chhetri