Mapblock-granular world operations, transformations and utilities
- Load/Save mapblocks from/to disk
- Serializes param1/param2/nodetimers and metadata
- Transforms mapblock data on the fly (rotation, orientation, replacements)
- Supports caching of the loaded mapblocks for fast in-world placement (mapgen)
- Adds position dependent data-storage (
) with caching
- Custom mapgens with pre-built schematics
- Building-mods
marks the current mapblock with a grid/mapblock_rotate_y [90,180,270]
rotates the current mapblock around the y axis/mapblock_mark
(only available if theworldedit
mod is present) marks the current mapblock with worledit
marks the pos1 for a multi-mapblock ex-/import/mapblock_pos2
marks the pos2 for a multi-mapblock ex-/import/mapblock_save [path|modname:path]
,/mb_save [path|modname:path]
saves the mapblock region/mapblock_load [path|modname:path]
,/mb_load [path|modname:path]
loads a saved mapblock region/mapblock_allocate [name]
,mb_alloc [name]
allocates and displays the affected region
The parameter path|modname:path
can be either a file in <world_path/mapblocks/<path>
or, if a ":" delimiter is found and the mapblock_lib
is a trusted mod: a file in the modpath <modname-path>/<path>
For example:
/mb_load xy
loads the schematic from<world_path>/mapblocks/
/mb_load mymod:schematics/abc
loads the schematicschematics/
from themymod
mod-path (mapblock_lib
has to be a trusted mod)
Creates a mapblock-catalog from the given mapblock range
local filename = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/"
local mb_pos1 = { x=0, y=0, z=0 }
local mb_pos2 = { x=1, y=1, z=1 }
local options = {
-- optional: delay between operations
delay = 0.1,
-- optional: called with current progress
progress_callback = function(p)
print("progress: " .. p) -- 0 ... 1
local p = mapblock_lib.create_catalog(filename, mb_pos1, mb_pos2, options)
print("serialized " .. mapblock_count .. " mapblocks")
Parses a previously created mapblock catalog
local filename = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/"
local catalog, err = mapblock_lib.get_catalog(filename)
if err then
-- something went wrong
-- get size in mapblocks
local size = catalog:get_size()
-- size, for example: { x=1, y=1, z=1 }
-- check if a mapblock exists within the catalog
if catalog:has_mapblock({ x=0, y=0, z=0 }) then
-- do stuff
-- deserialize a single mapblock into the world
local catalog_mapblock_pos = { x=0, y=0, z=0 }
local world_mapblock_pos = { x=10, y=0, z=5 }
-- all fields are optional
local options = {
-- various transformations to apply to the loaded mapblock
transform = {
-- rotate the mapblock around the given axis with the angle (90, 180, 270)
rotate = {
angle = 90,
axis = "y",
-- disables param2 orientation for the given nodes
disable_orientation = {
["default:sandstonebrick"] = true
-- replace certain nodes with others
replace = {
["default:dirt"] = "default:mese"
-- bulk set param2 for certain nodes, useful for mass-coloring
set_param2 = {
["unifiedbricks:brickblock"] = 15
-- metadata callback, can be used to intercept and modify node-metadata/inventory
on_metadata = function(pos, content_id, meta)
-- resolve nodename (use a var here for better performance)
local nodename = minetest.get_name_from_content_id(content_id)
if nodename == "default:chest_locked" then
print(minetest.pos_to_string(pos), nodename)
-- set new owner
meta:set_string("owner", "nobody")
-- placement mode "replace": replace the whole mapblock, "add": replace only air nodes
mode = "replace"
local success, err = catalog:deserialize(catalog_mapblock_pos, world_mapblock_pos, options)
if err then
-- something went wrong
-- deserialize all mapblocks to position 1,1,1 without any callback
-- deserialize all mapblocks to position 1,1,1 with options
local p = catalog:deserialize_all({x=1,y=1,z=1}, {
-- delay between mapblock exports in seconds (default is 0.2)
delay = 1,
progress_callback = function(f)
-- progress is a fractional number from 0 to 1
print("Progress: " .. (f*100) .. "%")
-- all ok
-- an error happened
-- load and prepare a mapblock for faster access (mapgen)
local deserFn, err = catalog:prepare({x=0,y=0,z=0}, options)
if err then
-- apply to the given position
- Code: MIT
- Textures: CC-BY-SA 3.0