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xrootd storage element

This repository provides the necessary Docker images and config files to run an xrootd storage element in either standalone (1 node) or clustered (1 redirector + N servers). Configuration examples are provided for HDFS and POSIX storage backends, but the Docker images are built with HDFS dependencies (Java, xrootd-hdfs, hadoop client).


storage super-user

The storage system, e.g. HDFS, needs to know the xrootd user which should have the same UID across the cluster


yum install -y epel-release yum-utils
yum-config-manager \
    --add-repo \

yum update
yum install -y docker-ce --enablerepo=epel,centos-extras

systemctl enable docker
systemctl start docker

# disable repo
sed -i "s/enabled=1/enabled=0/g" /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo

On some systems you might need CentOS extras: Create /etc/yum.repos.d/centos-extras.repo with content:

name=Centos extras - $basearch

or configure with puppet


Configure with Puppet or your favourite management system. Alternatively, check out manual instructions.

Since we've observed interactions between Docker and CVMFS where autofs is not doing its job, we typically disable autofs and add the relevant CVMFS repositories to /etc/fstab:

systemctl stop autofs.service
systemctl disable autofs.service
mkdir -p /cvmfs/
echo "    /cvmfs/     cvmfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
mount /cvmfs/

/cvmfs/ will be used for

  • /cvmfs/ (allows us to drop fetch-crl)
  • /cvmfs/ (no-worry, automatic VO server updates)
  • /etc/grid-security/vomsdir (similar to above)

Directory structure (first-time-only)

Any folder referenced in etc/xrootd/Authfile needs to be created first. Two scripts are provided for that purpoise:

  • etc/xrootd/ for HDFS
  • etc/xrootd/ for POSIX

All created directories will be owned by xrootd:xrootd.

IP forwarding


cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# or
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding

returns 0 you must enable the IP forwarding for docker to work.

echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.d/99-ip_forwaring.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.d/99-ip_forwaring.conf
sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/99-ip_forwaring.conf


For production we use systemctl to start/stop our containers.

xrootd manager/redirector

Step 1: Download and prepare files and container

cd /opt
git clone
cd xrootd-se
# select tag
tag=<selected tag>
git checkout $tag

mkdir -p .secrets/prod/etc/xrootd
mkdir -p .secrets/prod/etc/grid-security/xrd

# copy hostcert.pem and hostkey.pem
cp -p ~/certs/*.pem .secrets/prod/etc/grid-security/xrd/.
cp ~/macaroon-secret .secrets/prod/etc/xrootd
# or create new one with
# openssl rand -base64 -out .secrets/prod/etc/xrootd/macaroon-secret 64
chown -R xrootd:xrootd .secrets/prod/etc/grid-security/xrd
chown -R xrootd:xrootd .secrets/prod/etc/xrootd/macaroon-secret

# building container
# adjust storage superuser in container to match host via XROOTD_GID and XROOTD_UID:
docker build -t kreczko/xrootdse:$tag \
 --build-arg XROOTD_GID=1094 \
 --build-arg XROOTD_UID=1094 \
# service uses the `latest` tag, so we need to create a 2nd tag here
docker tag kreczko/xrootdse:$tag kreczko/xrootdse:latest
# TBD: Maybe we should have an easy way to set the tag via `Environment` in the systemctl unit

# host folders and user
# user, manual or via puppet (use same XROOTD_UID and XROOTD_GID as for the container build)
groupadd -o -g ${XROOTD_GID} xrootd
useradd -o -u ${XROOTD_UID} -g ${XROOTD_GID} -s /bin/sh xrootd

mkdir -p /var/run/xrootd /var/log/xrootd
chown xrootd:xrootd /var/run/xrootd /var/log/xrootd

Make sure that XROOTD_GID and XROOTD_UID correspond to the gid and uid of the xrootd user on the cluster.

Alternatively, instead of building the image yourself, you can use the tagged images from Docker hub. Remember to change the version in /etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdse.service.

Step 2: Set up systemctl unit

# setting up service
cp etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdse.service /etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdse.service
sed -i "s/xrootdsefqdn/$(hostname -f)/g" /etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdse.service
systemctl enable docker.xrootdse
systemctl start docker.xrootdse

xrootd gateway

Step 1a: Download and prepare files and container

Same as Step 1 for the xrootd manager (see above).

Step 1b: pick underlying file system

# for HDFS copy
cp -p optional/etc/xrootd/config.d/*hdfs*.cfg etc/xrootd/config.d/.
# for POSIX (e.g. testing)
cp -p optional/etc/xrootd/config.d/*posix*.cfg etc/xrootd/config.d/.

Step 2: Set up systemctl unit

# setting up service
cp etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdgateway.service /etc/systemd/system/.
sed -i "s/xrootdsefqdn/$(hostname -f)/g" /etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdgateway.service
systemctl enable docker.xrootdgateway
systemctl start docker.xrootdgateway


This documentation assumes no local, uncommitted changes exist and production is always deployed from a tagged release.

On redirector

UPGRADE_DIR=/root/xroot_upgrades/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
mkdir -p ${UPGRADE_DIR}
cd /opt/xrootd-se
git fetch origin

previous_tag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | sed "s/v//g")
echo $previous_tag >> ${UPGRADE_DIR}/previous_tag
# set the version you want. To list all available tags: git tag -l
new_tag=<version number>
echo $new_tag >> ${UPGRADE_DIR}/new_tag
git checkout v$new_tag
git checkout -b upgrading_from_${previous_tag}_to_${new_tag}

docker tag kreczko/xrootdse:latest kreczko/xrootdse:$previous_tag
docker pull kreczko/xrootdse:$new_tag
docker tag kreczko/xrootdse:$new_tag kreczko/xrootdse:latest

systemctl stop docker.xrootdse
cp -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdse.service ${UPGRADE_DIR}/.
cp etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdse.service /etc/systemd/system/.
sed -i "s/xrootdsefqdn/$(hostname -f)/g" /etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdse.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start docker.xrootdse

on each gateway

UPGRADE_DIR=/root/xroot_upgrades/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
mkdir -p ${UPGRADE_DIR}
cd /opt/xrootd-se
git fetch origin

previous_tag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | sed "s/v//g")
echo $previous_tag >> ${UPGRADE_DIR}/previous_tag
# set the version you want. To list all available tags: git tag -l
new_tag=<version number>
echo $new_tag >> ${UPGRADE_DIR}/new_tag
git checkout v$new_tag
git checkout -b upgrading_from_${previous_tag}_to_${new_tag}

docker tag kreczko/xrootdse:latest kreczko/xrootdse:$previous_tag
docker pull kreczko/xrootdse:$new_tag
docker tag kreczko/xrootdse:$new_tag kreczko/xrootdse:latest

systemctl stop docker.xrootdgateway
cp -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdgateway.service ${UPGRADE_DIR}/.
cp etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdgateway.service /etc/systemd/system/.
sed -i "s/xrootdsefqdn/$(hostname -f)/g" /etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdgateway.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start docker.xrootdgateway

Restore previous version

In case something goes wrong, you can undo the changes by:

On redirector:

UPGRADE_DIR=<select the upgrade dir that you want to undo>
cd /opt/xrootd-se
git fetch origin
previous_tag=$(cat ${UPGRADE_DIR}/previous_tag)
new_tag=$(cat ${UPGRADE_DIR}/new_tag)
git checkout v$previous_tag

docker tag kreczko/xrootdse:latest kreczko/xrootdse:$new_tag
docker pull kreczko/xrootdse:$previous_tag
docker tag kreczko/xrootdse:$previous_tag kreczko/xrootdse:latest

systemctl stop docker.xrootdse
cp -p ${UPGRADE_DIR}/docker.xrootdse.service /etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdse.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start docker.xrootdse

On each gateway:

UPGRADE_DIR=<select the upgrade dir that you want to undo>
cd /opt/xrootd-se
git fetch origin
previous_tag=$(cat ${UPGRADE_DIR}/previous_tag)
new_tag=$(cat ${UPGRADE_DIR}/new_tag)
git checkout $previous_tag

docker tag kreczko/xrootdse:latest kreczko/xrootdse:$new_tag
docker pull kreczko/xrootdse:$previous_tag
docker tag kreczko/xrootdse:$previous_tag kreczko/xrootdse:latest

systemctl stop docker.xrootdse
cp -p ${UPGRADE_DIR}/docker.xrootdgateway.service /etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdgateway.service
sed -i "s/xrootdsefqdn/$(hostname -f)/g" /etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdse.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start docker.xrootdgateway

Restarting and reloading

  • To restart the whole service:
    • manager: systemctl restart docker.xrootdse
    • gateway: systemctl restart docker.xrootdse
  • To restart a particular deamon:
    • cmsd (manager): docker exec -ti docker.xrootdse.service supervisorctl restart cmsd
    • xrootd (manager): docker exec -ti docker.xrootdse.service supervisorctl restart xrootd-clustered
    • cmsd (gateway): docker exec -ti docker.xrootdgateway.service supervisorctl restart cmsd
    • xrootd (gateway): docker exec -ti docker.xrootdgateway.service supervisorctl restart xrootd-clustered
  • Reload services (e.g. changed config):
    • manager: systemctl reload docker.xrootdse
    • gateway: systemctl reload docker.xrootdse


Logs for the xrootd roles will be available on the host under

  • /var/log/xrootd/clustered/cmsd.log
  • /var/log/xrootd/clustered/xrootd.log

for the clustered version and in /var/log/xrootd/clustered/standalone for the standalone version.

For development


From Official Docs:

sudo curl -L \
"$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" \
-o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose


To make a release:

  • upgrade version tag in
    • etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdgateway.service
    • etc/systemd/system/docker.xrootdse.service
  • create git tag: git tag v<version number>
  • push tag to main repo: git push origin v<version number>